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Marija: Put Faith Above Fear and Fatalism

Photo by Bernard Gallagher
By Jakob Marschner

Medjugorje  visionary  Marija  Pavlovic-Lunetti  took  on
what she saw as misplaced priorities and bad use of time in
addressing 900 attendees on Saturday [December 12, 2012],
at a prayer meeting in the Grand Theatre in Canazei, Italy.

“What  do  we  have  to  fear?  The  prophets,  hurricanes,
or  that  the  end  of  the  world  is  coming…?  The  end  can
come every day, but it seems that our life depends on the
horoscope of the day, but we must learn from those in the
past who trusted God,” Marija said, according to the local
newspaper Trentino Corriere Alpi.

“I do not know what will happen to us, but God teaches us
that without Him there is definitely no future for us. What
is a hundred years if there is no eternal life? We are too busy
with evil, television and computers, but how much time do
we devote to God?” the seer also said.

“I do not know what will happen tomorrow – but the
important thing is to have your heart free from anxiety, fear,
pain, and live through every test of your lives, remaining
steadfast in prayer and love,” Marija added, according to the
regional newspaper L’A d ig e.

Marija cited several examples of healing – one about a boy
who was in a coma for three months after a car accident, but
woke up without any kind of brain damage.

“So many times we do not believe in miracles, but they are
there. My testimony is intended to be a sign of God’s love for
you. We are nobody, I am nobody, but we are here as a sign
that Our Lady intercedes with God for us,” she said.

“Our  Lady  loves  you  and  carries  the  image  of  all  of  us
in  Her  heart,  today  and  tomorrow,  because  everyone  is
important to Her,” Marija told them.
www.medjugorjetoday.tv       http://www.spiritofmedjugorje.org/issues/February2014pdf.pdf

Pope Francis Pray For The Grace Of Dying In Hope

.- In his daily homily, Pope Francis reflected on the moment of our death, remarking on the beauty of dying in unity with the Church and inviting the faithful to reflect on what legacy they will leave behind.

“Trusting God begins now, in the small things in life, but also in great problems: always trusting the Lord! And so one makes this habit of trusting in the Lord and hope grows. To die at home, to die in hope,” the Pope said in his Feb. 6 daily Mass.

Using the scene of David's death in the first reading, taken from the First Book of Samuel, Pope Francis highlighted how the kind spent his life in the service of his people, and that when he dies, he does so “within his people.”

Although David calls himself a “sinner,” the pontiff noted that “he never left the People of God,” saying that he was a “sinner yes,” but a “traitor no!”

The Pope emphasized that “this is a grace: to remain until the end in the People of God. To have the grace to die within the Church, precisely within the People of God.”

Touching on three points, the Pope said that the first is “for us to ask for the grace to die at home. To die at home, in the Church,” adding that “this is a grace! This cannot be purchased!”

Dying “at home, in the Church” is a gift that we should ask for, the pontiff observed, saying that “all of us are!” are sinners, “But traitors no! Corrupt no!”

Picturing the Church as a mother, the Pope emphasized that although we are “many times dirty,” the Church “cleans us: she is mother!”

Recalling how David dies in a “quiet, peaceful, serene” way with the certainty of going “on the other side with his fathers,” the pontiff noted that a second grace we receive is to die in hope, knowing that “on the other side” our home and our family continues, and that we are not alone.

“And this is” also “a grace that we should request” he continued, “because in the last moments of life” we know that it’s a struggle, “and the spirit of evil wants the loot.”

Calling to mind how Saint Therese of Liseaux experienced a voice in the final moments of her life telling her “don't be foolish waiting in the dark. You expect only the darkness of nothing!” the Pope noted that “the voice of the devil, of the demon…did not want her to trust God.”

Observing that “die in hope and to die relying on God” is a grace we should ask for, the pontiff emphasized that “trusting God begins now, in the small things in life, but also in great problems.”

Turning his thoughts to David’s heritage of “40 years of government,” and of a people “consolidated” and “strong,” the Pope recalled a proverb which states that every man should leave behind a child, plant a tree, and write a book, saying that “this is the best heritage!”

He then asked those present, “What legacy have I left to those who come after me? A legacy of life? Have I done so much good that people want me as a father or mother? Have I planted a tree? Have I given my life, wisdom? Have I written a book?”

“This is the legacy,” said the Pope, “and our testimony as Christians left to the others,” highlighting also that some of us, “the Saints” who “have lived the Gospel with such force,” leave a “great legacy” behind.

Concluding his reflections, the pontiff repeated that “the three things that come to my heart from reading this passage on the death of David” are “to ask for the grace to die at home, in the Church; to ask for the grace to die in hope, with hope; to ask for the grace of leaving a beautiful legacy, a human legacy, a legacy made with the testimony of our Christian life.”

Invoking the intercession of the kind, the pontiff prayed that “Saint David grant us all these three graces!”

Jim Caviezel - Inspirational video


Published on Apr 4, 2013
Actor Jim Caviezal speaks with Dave Cooper. Listen to his story and message - it is one for us all...

The Medjugorje Message: Pope Francis… positive attitude about Medjugorje

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The Medjugorje Message: Medjugorje... declaring for the Kingdom of God

Medjugorje - Veni Sancte Spiritus " Come Holy Spirit "


Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit) Medjugorje

Fr. Jozo's Prayers to the Holy Spirit:
October 3, 2000 Siroki Brijeg
Come, O Most Holy Spirit, come to us today. We need your love, because we desire to go on the new way to return to the Father, to take the step to the Father. O Come, Holy Spirit, You who makes all things new. Today grant a miracle in us and through us. Change our hearts. Take from us our hearts of stone and give us a new heart, a heart that knows how to love, how to pray, how to forgive. A heart that knows how to embrace the cross and recognize the will of God and carry it to the end.

Come, O Most Holy Spirit, You who are our peace, come fill us with peace. You who are love, fill us with love and blessing and salvation. We are not here accidentally. We have been called, that we may be able to recognize our call and our mission. We ask You to come O Most Holy Spirit, that our masks may melt away, that our true face may be revealed before You.

  Come, O Most Holy Spirit, may a miracle happen today: the beginning of our conversion, the beginning of our true devotion. Come, O Most Holy Spirit pour out Your grace and Your strength on Your Church and convert us. Sanctify us. Change us.

  Come, O Most Holy Spirit, we are the Church united together in prayer with the Mother. As the disciples at the very beginning, united together with Her in prayer for the gift of Your Spirit, for the gift of love, that we may be freed from selfishness and hatred, that we may be freed from every evil, and that we may start to love, that we may start to forgive and to pray, that we may start to fast.

  Come, O Most Holy Spirit, Come bless us. Come, change us.You who are prayer, come and anoint us with prayer that we may become the Church that believes in the power of prayer. Come, Most Holy Spirit, renew prayer in us, that we may become the renewers of family prayer.

  Come, O Most Holy Spirit, come heal us, come bless us, come convert us. O You who anoints with Your Peace, with Your Joy, with Your Love. Come anoint us. In the last message O Blessed Mother, You say, that the one who prays, lives joy and peace and love. O Blessed Mother, here is the Church in prayer, here is the Church who desires to renew itself in prayer, firm in prayer, come to fall in love with prayer. O grant that these days may be the renewal of our prayer, of our faith through prayer, of our love through prayer, of a Christian life in prayer. Come, O Most Holy Spirit. Come, pour Yourself out upon us. The Church united together with the Mother is praying to you, You who make all things new. Grant that this Church may become new. It may become a Church of prayer, a holy Church, a sign amongst nations, your city on the hillside, your light on the way, Your Self. 

Come, O Most Holy Spirit. Come and pour Yourself out upon us. Our Father who art in Heaven....Hail Mary, full of grace...Mother and Queen of Peace - pray for us. Mother of the Church - pray for us. Mother and Queen of the family - pray for us. Consolation of the Sorrowful - pray for us, help of Christians - pray for us, help of the sick - pray for us, gate of heaven - pray for us. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. 

*In the last message O Blessed Mother, You say, that the one who prays, lives joy and peace and love. O Blessed Mother, here is the Church in prayer, here is the Church who desires to renew itself in prayer, firm in prayer, come to fall in love with prayer. O grant that these days may be the renewal of our prayer, of our faith through prayer, of our love through prayer, of a Christian life in prayer.

 Come, O Most Holy Spirit, Come, pour Yourself out upon us. The Church united together with the Mother is praying to you, You who make all things new. Grant that this Church may become new. It may become a Church of prayer, a holy Church, a sign amongst nations, your city on the hillside, your light on the way, Your Self. 

Come, O Most Holy Spirit, Come and pour Yourself out upon us. Our Father who art in Heaven....Hail Mary, full of grace...Mother and Queen of Peace - pray for us. Mother of the Church - pray for us. Mother and Queen of the family - pray for us. Consolation of the Sorrowful - pray for us, help of Christians - pray for us, help of the sick - pray for us, gate of heaven - pray for us. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

    Pope Francis....We must carry the light of Christ

    .- Pope Francis centered his Angelus message this Sunday on the image of a Christian whose faith is like a burning lamp that brings light to the darkness.

    “We must carry the light of Christ with the witness of a genuine love,” encouraged the Pope on Feb. 9. “The Christian must be a luminous person who carries the light, a light that comes from one that his not his own, but a gift of God, a gift of Jesus. We carry this light forward!”

    If a Christian loses this light, “his life doesn’t make sense.  He is a Christian in name only,” Pope Francis cautioned.

    Departing from his prepared remarks, the pontiff turned to query the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “I want to ask you now, how do you want to live? As a lamp that is lit, or one that is off?”

    “I can’t hear your response!” he said, urging the crowd to reply louder.

    “A lit lamp!” he affirmed, “This is the Christian vocation!”

    Sunday’s gospel passage recounted Jesus’ encouragement to his disciples, “you are the salt of the earth…you are the light of the world.”

    This story might “surprise us a little,” noted Pope Francis, “if we think of who was in front of Jesus when he said these words.”

    The disciples were mere “fishermen, simple people...but Jesus saw them with the eyes of God.”

    Christ “wanted to say to them: if you will be poor in spirit, if you will be gentle, if you will be pure of heart, if you will be merciful, you will be the salt of the earth and the light of the world!”

    Such a calling extends to all Christians, the Pope explained. “All of us who are baptized are missionary disciples and we are called to become a living gospel in the world: with a holy life we will give ‘flavor’ to diverse settings and preserve them from decay, as salt does.”

    After leading the crowds in the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis noted that Tuesday, Feb. 11 is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World Day for the Sick.

    “The dignity of of the person is never reduced to his faculties or capacities, and does not diminish when the person himself is weak, handicapped, and in need of help,” affirmed the pontiff.

    He went on to thank health care workers for their “invaluable work,” and acknowledge the many letters he receives from families who have very ill members.

    “So many write to me, and today I want to assure all of these families of a prayer, and I say to them: don’t be afraid of frailty! Help one another with love, and feel the consoling presence of God.”

    Pope Francis then expressed his well wishes for those participating in the Winter Olympics in Sochi and greeted the many pilgrim groups who had travelled to St. Peter’s Square.

    Before concluding with his usual “I wish everyone a good Sunday and a good lunch,” the Pope paused for a moment to ask again, “A lit lamp, or a lamp that is off? Which do you want?”

    “A lit lamp!” the crowd enthusiastically replied.

    “A Christian carries the light!” he affirmed. “He is a lit lamp. Always forward with the light of Jesus!”

    *Dear children! In your life you have all experienced light and darkness. God grants to every person to recognize good and evil. I am calling you to the light which you should carry to all the people who are in darkness. People who are in darkness daily come into your homes. Dear children, give them the light! Thank you for having responded to my call. Medjugorje Message March 14, 1985

    Loving Mother in Heaven

    The Medjugorje Message: A priest’s response to Medjugorje...

    Medjugorje You're the Way Message


    Dear Children a great battle is about to take place a battle between
     my Son and Satan.

    Today is the 9th anniversary of the death Sister Lucia


    Sister Lucia died on Feb. 13, 2005, just a few weeks before Pope John Paul II. The two friends are pictured above.

    Sister Lucia Mary's witness

    Our Lady of Fatima appeared to the three shepherd children

    Two of those children, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, died in a flu epidemic a mere two years after receiving visits from the Blessed Mother in a little Portuguese field called Cova da Iria (Cradle of Peace) near Fatima. The third child, their cousin, lived to be 97 years old. Her name was Lucia dos Santos. We know her as Sr. Lucia, a Carmelite nun who served her life as Fatima's face, a face of great beauty and peace that would never grow tired of the awe of those miraculous days in 1917.

    Sister Lucia, "Mary's witness" at Fatima, died in February 2005 — on the 13th.

    Dr. Branca Paul, MD, felt the last earthly beat of the heart of Sr. Lucia. It was a final beat that echoed through nine decades, and sounds yet today.

    Dr. Paul, who was Sister Lucia's personal physician for the last 15 years of the nun's life, saw her patient daily. When it became clear that Lucia had lost her will to live, Mother Celina, Prioress of the convent in Coimbra, Portugal, called Dr. Paul.

    *A check of her vital signs showed the Fatima visionary would not live long. She had slipped into a coma. There was nothing to do but wait for this beautiful life to commend its spirit to God. But then Lucia surprised everyone. She lifted her head and began moving it back and forth, trying to see in front of her.

    "For the Holy Father!" Lucia said. "Our Lady, Our Lady, holy angels, Heart of Jesus, Heart of Jesus! We are going, we are going."

    "Where?" Mother Celina asked.

    "To heaven," Sr. Lucia replied.

    "With whom?" Mother queried.

    "With Our Lord, Our Lady, and the little shepherds," Sr. Lucia answered. They were her last words. Francisco and Jacinta had come along to take her to heaven.

    As Sr. Lucia's physician, Dr. Paul spent much time alone with Lucia over the final 15 years of her life. She got to know her as well as anyone. What was she like?

    "She was bright, determined, funny, fun-loving, yet practical," Dr. Paul said. "She loved jokes and puns. She also, of course, had a profoundly humble spirituality.

    "We were very close," Dr. Paul continued. "It was amazing that she was so normal, simple, and humble. Full of joy and laughter, always joking and smiling a lot. For example, when I came in to see her in a new hairstyle or new clothes, Sister would kid me about it. Sister Lucia was great to be around. Her infectious joy made everyone more happy."

    Dr. Paul said Sr. Lucia never tired of talking about Fatima — Our Lady's message of reconciliation, reparation, and prayer, particularly reciting the Rosary. Lucia did become frustrated, however, when people wanted to focus on the miracles and secrets.

    According to Dr. Paul, "She used to say, 'The miracles and secrets aren't important. We must concentrate on Our Lady's message. Live the Ten Commandments. That's what's important.' To this, Lucia added her 11th Commandment: 'Do whatever God tells you. That is what Our Lady wants.'"

    That's a message as relevant today as it was 90 years ago.

    Doctor Paul cared for Lucia up to her death at age 97 at 5:35 p.m., Feb. 13, 2005. Interestingly, the Great Mercy Pope, John Paul II, would die only a few weeks later on April 2.

    The two spiritual friends were closely related through Fatima, Lucia for obvious reasons and John Paul because of his devotion to Our Lady and the attempt on his life in 1981. May 13, the date the Pope was gunned down, marked the 64th anniversary of Mary's first appearance to the three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal. In a gesture of thanks for saving his life, the Pope made a pilgrimage to Fatima in 1982. He placed the bullet that had been taken out of his body into the crown of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. In a gesture of solidarity, Sr. Lucia joined him.

    No one had more intimate contact with Sr. Lucia than Dr. Paul, and in our talks, she invariably stressed the good humor and joyous nature of her famous, and famously humble, patient. This nature showed itself in many ways. For example, when a young nun was having trouble or dealing with a difficult problem, Sr. Lucia was always there to offer consolation and encouragement.

    "Sister Lucia had a joyful spirit that was contagious," Dr. Paul says. "Even if you were glum, she found a way to brighten your spirits. I know she provided many consolations to her sisters in the convent, particularly the novices, postulants, and young nuns, who just adored her."

    Anyone who spent much time with Sr. Lucia would soon be in the presence of a first-rate wit, a woman who loved jokes, humor, and kidding, even into her late 90s.

    "In her last years, she had to use a cane to get around," Dr. Paul relates. "We often went on short walks, and when she reached for her cane, she would say, 'The cane needs me now. It cannot stand up or move without me.

    I have to help that cane.' She'd say this with a twinkle in her eye and that wonderful laugh."

    Lucia often talked to Dr. Paul about her days as a young child, usually spent with her cousins and fellow visionaries Jacinta, 7 years old in 1917, and Francisco, 9, at the time. She would mention Our Lady, the sound of her voice ("an interior voice you could not hear with the ears"), her radiant appearance. One time, when speaking with Dr. Paul about the apparitions, Lucia began laughing.

    "In speaking about Our Lady's warnings about the 'errors of Russia,'" Dr. Paul said, "Lucia would tell me that she and Jacinta thought 'Russia' was an evil woman. She said Francisco thought he knew better. He said, 'No, you girls are wrong. Russia's not a woman. It's my uncle's donkey!'"

    Dr. Paul called it "a great honor" and a gift from God to be given this access to a patient, who, in many ways, "helped cure me."    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFZ_pfpuiYU&feature=youtu.be

    A talk (question and answer session) given by Mirjana in the Oasis of Peace on 3rd October 2009

    Q: Has Our Lady said anything about other apparitions?

    A: Only about Fatima. She said, "What I have started in Fatima I will finish in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph." I cannot go into details. That's the only apparition she mentioned aside from Medjugorje.

    Medjugorje: Commemoration Day of the Murdered Franciscans



    http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-84VL4ThI_-o/TzbHZyGnMQI/AAAAAAAAEJE/RYxdEMmJFkU/s1600/Fr.+Jozo-Small.jpgFr. Jozo speaks of the Martyrs of Siroki Brijeg
    October 2000.

    You see on your right here, there is a tomb, a very interesting tomb. When the Communists came here fifty-five years ago, they found thirty Franciscans here in the monastery and they told them that there was no more God. And those soldiers that came were inspired by terrorism telling them that there was no more God, there was no more church, there was no more priesthood nor the need for them.

    They were told to remove their habits. But not one of those thirty Franciscans was willing to even enter into a debate about this. An enraged soldier took the crucifix from the wall, threw it at the feet of the Franciscans and said, "Now you can choose, this is your last chance, choose - death or life."

    click on to enlarge photo
    One by one the Franciscans came forth and embraced Jesus. Jesus humiliated at being thrown on the floor. And each one, one by one, said, "You are my God and my everything." One by one they were taken outside,and they were thrown into the flames to be burned, here in the garden. Those were thirty brothers who went forth to their death with song. Some of them sang Salve Regina, others sang The Litany of Our Lady. They all blessed their enemy and forgave them.

    Holy Mass for killed Franciscans and parishioners in Medjugorje parish


    Holy Mass for all killed Franciscans during and after the World War II, as well as for all parishioners killed in the First, Second and recent Homeland War was celebrated in the parish church of St. James on Monday, February 10, on the feast of Blessed Alojzije Stepinac. Up to this day, graves of so many killed persons have remained unknown, but memory on them is still alive in hearts and prayers of faithful. Fr. Ivan Dugandzic celebrated the evening Holy Mass with six priests that have concelebrated. As he spoke about killed Franciscans, he said:
    “Every year, Herzegovinian Franciscans and all faithful recall with sadness and pride their most recent history. With deepest sorrow, we remember how 66 Franciscan priests were killed in February 1945 by evil communists, but we also remember thousands of husbands and wives who have never returned home after their execution Way of the Cross that took place after the World War II. Their graves remain still unknown. As we proudly remember them we know that our killed
     Franciscans were martyrs and witnesses of our Christian faith who were killed just because they protected their people and their faith. Communist executors thought that by killing them, they will kill the faith of these people. We know they were mistaken – the case was also here proved that blood of martyrs was a seed of new Christians.
     As we remember today in our liturgy Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, who was a victim of those same executors and witness of our faith in a kind of different way, we also remember Fr. Krizan Galic, parish priest of this parish who was brutally murdered here in the parish office and six other priests who were born in this parish and murdered throughout Herzegovina: Fr. Jozo Bencun, Fr. Benardin Smoljan, Fr. Marko Dragićević, Fr. Mariofil Sivrić, Fr. Grgo Vasilj and Fr. Jenko Vasilj.
    Along with them, we also in this Holy Mass, recommend into God’s grace all those who were killed and who went missing in the First, Second World War, in the period after the war, as well as in the recent homeland war.”   source http://www.medjugorje.hr/en/

    Message from Our Lady.....you will not regret it

    Message of 25th anniversary of Medjugorje - June 25, 2006

    "Dear children! With great joy in my heart I thank you for all the prayers that, in these days, you offered for my intentions.

    " Know, little children, that you will not regret it, neither you nor your children. God will reward you with great graces and you will merit eternal life." 

    I am near you and thank all those who, through these years, have accepted my messages, have poured them into their life and decided for holiness and peace.
     Thank you for having responded to my call."

    Children of Medjugorje Newsletter

    February 15, 2013

    Dear Children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and Mary!

    1. On February 2nd Mirjana Soldo received her monthly apparition in her home, in semi-privacy, after which she conveyed to us the following message:

    "Dear children, with motherly love I desire to teach you sincerity, because I desire that, in your actions as my apostles, you be exact, resolute, and above all sincere. I desire that, by the grace of God, you be open for a blessing. I desire that by fasting and prayer you obtain from the Heavenly Father the cognition of what is natural and holy -- Divine. Filled with cognition, under the shelter of my Son and myself, you will be my apostles who will know how to spread the Word of God to all those who do not know of it; and you will know how to overcome obstacles that will stand in your way. My children, by means of a blessing, God's grace will descend upon you and you will be able to retain it through fasting, prayer, purification and reconciliation. You will have the efficiency which I seek of you. Pray for your shepherds that the ray of God's grace may illuminate their ways. Thank you."

    2 - SaintJoseph, my loving father...
      Years ago, I made a deal with St. Joseph: he would give me strong signs of his kindness, and I would make him known. Last Saturday, seeing that his feast day of March 19th was getting close, I said to him out loud, in our morning prayer: "Dear Saint Joe, you know that many people have no idea of the power you have in heaven, and know even less of your desire to help them. They are missing out on so many favors from you! If you would like to have new friends who will start praying to you, give me a beautiful testimony, and I will publish it. Besides, I will invite the readers to offer you a 30-day Novena before your feast day (See PS 2). So there, you have a job. Now please go for it!"

    The next day, a dear Croatian friend from Dubrovnik came to see us unexpectedly. Her name was Stosija. After climbing down from Podbrdo, she walked along the little path in front of our house and decided to knock at our door to make a short visit. She had barely arrived when we noticed such a great joy that her entire face was lit up. Then she told us:

    "I was born near Zadar, Croatia. From my childhood I used to hear my family pray daily and I loved looking at the statue of the Holy Family, as little children do. I got married to a man from Dubrovnik where I moved to live. At that time, everyday life was very hard. So we decided to go and work in Germany where my husband kept his own restaurant and his Art Gallery. Each summer we came to Dubrovnik. I was much younger then and my prayer life was rather poor. We had two children and everything went fine, until my son got ill. Only then did God finally come in the first place in my life.

    So, in 1985 I came to Medjugorje for the first time, with my son. Invited by Fr Slavko, we were present during the apparition. Later he told us to go to Confession. Since 1985 I have been returning to Medjugorje many times and it really changed my life completely. Not only my life, my family's life too. I am so grateful to God! When I heard about the Croatian Sanctuary of Saint Joseph in Karlovac, I went there and enrolled myself in the Brotherhood of Saint Joseph, and started praying to him. That's how he entered into my life as a strong protector.
    My husband died in 1999. I left Germany and now live in Dubrovnik, a city that I love. But our old stone house, although beautiful (with nicely kept garden) was too big for me. My greatest problem was to choose where to live. For the past four years we have been trying to sell it, to no avail. I have a very nice neighbor. I spoke about God to him and he started attending Mass regularly. He kept asking me where I was going to live when the house is sold. I told him: 'I will let God decide. It could be the nursing home or I could go to my daughter's.'

    "In Medjugorje I came across Sister Emmanuel's book The Hidden Child of Medjugorje with many beautiful stories. Every night, before going to sleep, I asked my dear Gospa to choose a 'good night story' from that book. Last September I placed the book on my heart and, while keeping my eyes closed, I opened the book and picked up the story of 'The Craftsman from Warsaw'. Through this story you learn that you can recommend your needs to Saint Joseph by writing a letter to him and attaching it to his picture, praying regularly and in faith waiting for the result. Then I decided to ask Saint Joseph to help me solve my problem. I looked at his picture and said: 'My dear Saint Joseph, pray for me so that I may find out if God wants me to stay here! It's late, so I will write down my prayer request to you tomorrow!' It was on Saturday night.

    Sunday morning I went to church and my neighbor greeted me saying: 'Praised be Jesus and Mary!' (His name is Joseph!) I invited him to drink coffee after Mass with me, and chat a little bit. While we were sitting, again he asked what my plans were when the house get sold. I simply said: 'I don't know, I'll see. I inherited a piece of land from my father near Zadar. Maybe I can sell that property in order to get some money and build a little apartment in my garden and stay here.' Immediately he said: 'I will buy this land!' (My neighbor is a successful man). I laughed and asked him: 'Why would you buy it?''I just want to help you!' he said. I turned around and looked at St Joseph's picture: 'My dear Saint Joseph,' I said. 'I haven't even written the letter to you, yet you are already answering me!'

    Now we are in the process of getting all paperwork done. As a civil technician my neighbor has drawn all the plans and he helped me work on them. Next to the house, we are also going to build a little chapel called Nazareth dedicated to the Holy Family. I asked St. Joseph to be my finance minister, to be what he was in his own house: a good father of family, a good protector and a good foster parent. I am happy to see this coming true."

    And so thanks to Stosija, I received my story the very next day after I had prayed to St. Joseph! And he provided me with it just in time to publish it here! Well, if St. Joseph offered me so quickly this testimony, I am sure that it is for you also to adopt this great Saint! It looks like he is waiting for you too!

    3 - The children! Friends of ours from Rome, a family of 4, come to Medjugorje each year to recharge their "spiritual batteries". They take the messages to heart and pray together every day. Here are some pearls gleaned from the mouth of their little son:
    "Mommy, when you go to Heaven, will you tell me then whether the Madonna has blue or black eyes?"
    "But darling, if I am dead, how can I tell you?"
    "You will tell me in my heart!"
    The mother wrote to me: "It is beautiful to see that the Blessed Mother is a real person in their lives and that for them, there is a language of the heart. These days, we were expecting Father Antonello in our home. The children love him very much.
    - Mommy, is Father Antonello arriving today? 
    - Yes!
    - Will he be picking me up at school?
    - I think so, Francesco.
    - How wonderful it would be if he could bless all the children in the school!"

    Hearing this, the priest immediately went to see the school. Francesco's family spoke with the Sister in charge, who was surprised and very touched by the child's request. And so, on the next day, all the children in this school received a blessing!

    Praying as a family is the most beautiful gift parents can offer their children, in this world and for eternity!

    Dearest Gospa, please call the blessing of God upon us. We want to be among your apostles, loved just the way you love them: "exact, resolute and above all, sincere"! Of the billions of people on earth, how is it that you have chosen us to be your apostles? We do not want to disappoint you.

    Sister Emmanuel +
    (Translated from French)
    Nota Bene: A big "Thank You" to all those who are, or will be, sending me their testimonies for the new book I am writing, in the style of The Hidden Child of Medjugorje. They are very touching! May I suggest another request to make the book even more attractive? If you have any beautiful photos that have to do with Medjugorje, please send them to me at gospa.fr@gmail.comand put "My Testimony" as a subject. THANK YOU with all my heart!
    PS 1. Let us send our angels to Rome for Medjugorje! In prayer and with confidence we are waiting for the statement on Medjugorje from the Vatican. On January 17th, Pope Francis received the conclusions of the work of the commission. It looks like the statement will be published this year because Cardinal Pulic mentioned it on January 22nd as he was returning for Rome where he had met with the Pope. There is much at stake with this paper, both for the church and for the world! We can help the experts who are involved a lot by sending them our guardian angels because angels are excellent to whisper the ways of God in the ears of men.

    PS 2. The 30-Day Novena to St. Joseph starts on February 17th and the 9-Day Novena begins on March 10th. Perhaps we can recite his litany!

    PS 3. Why not write a letter to Our Lady? She loves letters and she'll bless you for it!Send it to:"Queen of Peace", BP 2157, F- 06103 Nice cedex, France. We will give it to a visionary.

    PS 4. Think of your needs for Lent! You will find lots of good ideas for useful and lasting presents on our site! www.childrenofmedjugorje.org

    When God comes among men, He does not come to joke but to say serious things.



    Mirjana’s face is very intense, completely absorbed in what is taking place in the apparition. No one who studies the face of Mirjana as She receives Our Lady’s latest message can take lightly her words, or receive them only with curiosity.

    It brings to mind the message Our Lady gave in 1983, “…When God comes among men, He does not come to joke but to say serious things.

    Divine Mercy: 11th Hour Salvation: A Reason for Supernatural Hope

    Stand Ready--Revelation-- Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska




    Today after Holy Communion, I heard a voice in my soul: My daughter, (Stand Ready, for I will come unexpectedly.)

    Jesus, You do not want to tell me the hour I am looking forward to with such longing: My daughter, it is for your own good. You will learn it, but not now; keep watch. O Jesus, do with me as You please.

    I know You are the merciful Savior and You will not change towards me at the hour of my death. If at this time you are showing me so much special love, and are condescending to unite Yourself with me is such an intimate way and with such great kindness, I expect even more at the hour of my death.

    You, my Lord God, cannot change. You are always the same. Heaven can change, as well as everything that is created; but You, Lord, are ever the same and will endure forever. So come as You like and when You like. Father of infinite mercy, I, Your child, wait longingly for Your coming.

    O Jesus, You said in the Holy Gospel, "Out of your mouth do I judge you." Well, Jesus, I am always speaking of Your inconceivable mercy, so I trust that You will judge me according to Your unfathomable mercy.
    Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, 854
    BE READY *
     Message given to the Medjugorje visionary Mirjana this Good Friday morning.
    Dear children, today I bless you in a special way and I pray for you to return to the right way to my Son – your Saviour, your Redeemer – to him who gave you eternal life. Reflect on everything human, on everything that does not permit you to set out after my Son – on transience, imperfection and limitation – and then think of my Son, of his Divine infiniteness. By your surrender and prayer, ennoble your body and perfect your soul. Be ready, my children. Thank you. - Medjugorje message, April 2, 2010

    An Invitation to Medjugorje

    An Invitation to Medjugorje
    Is Our Lady calling you?
    A 12-day Pilgrimage Medjugorje, departing June 8, 2014 and returning June 19, accompanied by a priest.
    $2,759 includes taxes, transfers, room with private bath, two meals a day, a Medjugorje guide and visits with visionaries when available.   
    Maureen O’Brien 508-888-2740 or 508-326-8006
    Or Stefanie at 206 Tours – 1-800-206-8687
    For printable flyer – www.pilgrimages.com/maureen
     “In Medjugorje there is nothing but two mountains and a very large church, but in that nothingness I found everything!”  (A young  woman  to her mother, as reported to Fr.  Petar) 
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