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Praise and exalt him above all forever. (Daniel 3:62)


Do you ever wish you had a secret weapon? Something you could use to defend yourself against sin and temptation? Or maybe something that would dissolve discouragement, fear, or confusion? Perhaps you experience opposition from anxiety or shame or some other obstacle to what you know of God’s plan for your life. Who wouldn’t want a weapon that obliterates all these threats to our faith?
Well, praise is that weapon, and it’s available to everyone who believes. Praise focuses your thoughts and your emotions on heavenly realities like God’s goodness, power, kindness, or wisdom—all his attributes. Praise shifts your thinking away from hostile challenges to your faith and onto the truths that have the potential to overpower these challenges.
Notice that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego weren’t yet out of the fiery furnace when they began praising God. They didn’t wait. Right in the midst of the fire, they praised him. With confidence they proclaimed that God loved them and would care for them, even if they died in the furnace.
Today’s reading, and actually the whole Book of Daniel, was written to encourage people facing difficulties: pressures from opposition to their faith, uncertainty arising from the need for wisdom, fears of sacrilege or punishment. It reflects the hostility Jews were facing two hundred years before Jesus was born, but also the kinds of challenges the faithful in any age face. And a powerful weapon against these challenges, the author assures us, is praise.
Try it! Write a psalm of praise similar to this one, using your own challenges in life. “Fear and discouragement, praise the Lord!” “Finances and health, praise and exalt him above all!” “Broken-down car and drafty house, bless the Lord!”
Command your thoughts and feelings to praise him. Command created things to praise and bless him, just as the three men in the furnace admonished the fire and heat to praise and bless him forever. And then watch as your secret weapon blasts a way through for you.
“Holy Spirit, teach me to use the weapon of praise against any resistance to your life that I meet today. I want to praise and exalt God above all!”

Bishop’s ‘outstanding experience’ in Medjugorje


Bishop Seamus Hegarty of the Derry diocese in Ireland is one of many prelates who have made a private pilgrimage to Medjugorje. He travelled there in July 1987 (when he was bishop of Raphoe) and afterwards gave this testimony.
I had heard so much about the Medjugorje phenomenon and, as things turned out, managed to go there myself for five days in July 1987. I went, of course, as a private pilgrim, a private person.
I couldn’t help being enormously impressed by everyone, both local parishioners and those who visit Medjugorje from all over Europe and overseas. I also got a very clear impression that here in Medjugorje you are dealing with a centre of prayer, of penance, and of reconciliation.
“By their fruits you shall know them.” Here the fruits are so manifest, so clear and impressive, both in Medjugorje itself and among those who return home after a pilgrimage, that they simply cannot be ignored.
Among many people from my own diocese that had been to Medjugorje I noticed the ongoing, positive results in relation both to their personal and family life. Thus I felt simply obliged to go to the place and find out myself the source, the explanation, of this experience, this tremendous manifestation of faith, this high and exemplary Christian way of life.
I have read the messages the Mother of God is said to be giving to the visionaries. And what I have seen and heard tells me that there is a strong accord, a parallel, between these messages and what the gospels say about the teaching of Christ. The emphasis lis very strongly on prayer, fasting, reconciliation and peace – themes that occur over and over again in Scripture. One thing is clear about the Medjugorje messages: they contain nothing that contradicts the Church’s official teaching, which is based on Scripture as on a foundation. Here the emphasis is on prayer and how to pray – that is, with more giving of ourselves and intensity, and new methods of prayer; prayer not only in words but also as something lived.
But what is likewise emphasised in the messages is fasting. It has a long Church tradition behind it. Of recent years, however, it has fallen into disuse on a wide scale. Now it has been revived as a challenge that young people, in particular, face up to in a dramatic way.
We recognise that in Medjugorje we are dealing with a genuine call to peace, and that peace is a divine gift for which we all must pray. ~On the basis of what I myself observed in Medjugorje, and which everyone that has been there likewise observes, I believe that we are going to experience a radiation of this atmosphere of peace which has it origin, its centre, in Medjugorje, thereupon extending itself over the entire world.
Many prayer groups have been formed as a direct result of a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, an outcome of the religious experience people gain there and which they thereupon keep up and apply to their own life circumstances among their families and communities. Beyond doubt, the Medjugorje phenomenon has had a particular success in everything to do with fostering prayer. Not only do people more than is normal in parishes, but the quality of their prayer is particularly impressive.
The rosary, as we would expect, is one of the most important forms of prayer practised by Medjugorje groups. What has strongly impressed me is that in its recitation the biblical dimension of the mysteries is brought out so prominently.
As regards the Church – the official Church – it cannot afford to ignore this development. Bishops and priests must encourage these prayer groups and, in my opinion, must also be present at them to give leadership and due advice and spiritual orientation. It must also be said that the laity who, with good intentions and devotion, come together to pray deserve every help and direction they can get from the clergy. While, it is true, the presence of a priest is not absolutely necessary at prayer meetings, it is nonetheless most desirable in order that exaggerations and unrealistic or mistaken ideas and expectations may be avoided.
It would be a great pity if Medjugorje’s central message (prayer, fasting, reconciliation and peace) became obscured in any way or if excessive emphasis came to be placed on signs and wonders. Accordingly, the presence at these prayer meetings of the Official Church in the person of the priest is very much to be desired.
My most outstanding experience in Medjugorje was the hearing of Confessions. One day I spent three hours doing so. And I am sure that during those three hours I heard more Confessions of the kind that are basic and come from the depth of the heart than during all the 21 years of my priesthood. I could not help but be moved by the workings of grace – the clear workings of grace; also, by the clear acceptance of the call to penance and reconciliation which expressed themselves so unmistakably in the quality of the Confessions I heard. So this experience will ever remain my most impressive and abiding Medjugorje memory.
source  http://medjugorje.org/  

Pope Francis reflected on the end times


Pope Francis gives the Wednesday general audience in St. Peter's Square on October 2, 2013. Credit: Elise Harris/CNA.
.- In his daily homily Pope Francis reflected on the end times, saying that faith will be increasingly pushed out of the public square and that persecution of Christians is a “prophecy” of what is to come.

The Pope directed his comments to those gathered in the chapel of the Vatican's Saint Martha guesthouse for his daily Mass on Nov. 28.

Reflecting on the day's reading taken from the Gospel of Luke, in which Jesus speaks of the trials and tribulations that will precede the end times, the pontiff explained that when the Lord refers to this in another passage, “he tells us that it will be a desecration of the temple.”

It will be “a profanation of the faith, of the people,” he continued, and “it will be an abomination, it will be desolation and abomination.”

“What does this mean?” the Pope asked the Mass attendees, responding, “It will be like the triumph of the prince of this world: the defeat of God.”

“It seems at that final moment of calamity, it seems like he will take over this world, he will master of the world,” the pontiff observed, adding that in that time we will become aware this apparent victory over God would be more devastating than a great natural disaster.

These worldly powers which seek to destroy God, noted the Pope, also manifest in the contemporary desire to keep religion as “a private thing,” alluding to the fact that today many religious symbols have become taboo.

“You must obey the orders which come from worldly powers. You can do many things, beautiful things, but not adore God. Worship is prohibited. This is at the center of the end of time.”

Once we “reach the fullness of this pagan attitude,” the Pope continued, “then yes, he will come…’ truly the Son of Man will come in a cloud with great power and glory.’”

Christians who “suffer times of persecution, times of prohibition of worship” because of their beliefs, are a prophecy of what will happen to us all,” he emphasized.

Speaking of the prophet Daniel in the first reading who was thrown into the lion’s den because he refused to denounce his faith, Pope Francis encouraged those in attendance not to be afraid, saying that God “only asks of us faithfulness and patience.”

“Fidelity like Daniel, who was faithful to his God and adored God until the end. And patience, because the hairs of our heads will not fall out. The Lord has promised this.”

Urging those present at the Mass to continue reflecting throughout the week on this “general apostasy” which “is called the prohibition of worship,” the Pope challenged them to ask themselves “Do I worship the Lord?”

“Do I adore Jesus Christ, the Lord? Or, a little half and half, do I in some way play game of the prince of this world?”

“Worship until the end,” the Pope concluded, “with confidence and fidelity: this is the grace we must ask for this week.”

Amy Grant - El Shaddai ( legendado )


El-Shaddai means " God Almighty, God in the Highest "

The Medjugorje Message: Some snippets...

St. Andrew (Christmas) Novena


St. Andrew (Christmas) Novena that starts on Friday, Nov. 30:

Begin on November 30th, The Feast of St. Andrew until Christmas Eve, Dec. 24.



Pope Francis: To "understand the signs of the times"


Pope Francis greets pilgrims during his Wednesday audience on Oct. 2, 2013. Credit: Marianne Medlin/CNA.
Pope Francis greets pilgrims during his Wednesday audience on Oct. 2, 2013. Credit: Marianne Medlin/CNA.
.- During his daily Mass, Pope Francis spoke of the importance of man's intellect in understanding the Lord, and cautioned those present against “restricted” thought which keeps us focused on ourselves.

“What path does the Lord want? Always with the spirit of intelligence with which to understand the signs of the times. It is beautiful to ask the Lord for this grace,” the Pope said in his Nov. 29 daily homily.

Pope Francis directed his reflections to those present in the Saint Martha guesthouse of the Vatican, where he has chosen to reside.

He began by recalling of how in the Gospels, the Lord taught his disciples to pay attention to the signs of the times, which the Pharisees failed to understand, emphasizing how one must think not only with the head, but also with the heart and the spirit in order to fully comprehend “way of God in history.”

“In the Gospel, Jesus does not become angry, but pretends to when the disciples do not understand him,” the Pope explained, adding that at Emmaus Jesus says, “'How foolish and slow of heart.'”

“He who does not understand the things of God is such a person,” noted the pontiff, emphasizing how “The Lord wants us to understand what happens, what happens in my heart, what happens in my life, what happens in the world, in history.”

“What is the meaning of what is happening now? These are the signs of the times!”

“On the other hand,” he continued, “the spirit of the world gives us other propositions, because the spirit of the world does not want a community: it wants a mob, thoughtless, without freedom.”

Explaining that while the spirit of the world tries to lead us down a “restricted path,” the Apostle Paul warns that this spirit “treats us as thought we lack the ability to think for ourselves; it treats us like people who are not free.”

“Restricted thought, equal thought, weak thought, a thought so widespread. The spirit of the world does not want us to ask ourselves before God: ‘But why, why this other, why did this happen?’”

Or, the Pope observed, this worldly spirit “offers a prêt-à-porter ('ready to wear') way of thinking, according to personal taste: ‘I think as I like!’”

While there are many who say that this attitude is ok, the Pontiff noted, the spirit of the world does not want “what Jesus asks of us: free thought, the thought of a man and a women who are part of the people of God, and salvation is exactly this!”

Pope Francis then encouraged the Mass attendees to think of the prophets who proclaimed that “You were not my people, now I say my people,” stating that “so says the Lord.”

“And this is salvation: to make us people, God’s people, to have freedom.”

Reflecting on how Jesus asks us to “think freely…in order to understand what happens,” the Pope stressed that “we are not alone,” and that “we need the Lord’s help” in order to “understand the signs of the times.”

In order to do this, the Pope went on to say, the Holy Spirit “gives us this present, a gift: the intelligence to understand.”

Emphasizing how the Lord always wants us to walk along the path of intelligence, Pope Francis highlighted how “it is beautiful to ask the Lord for this grace, who sends us this spirit of intelligence, in order that we avoid weak thought, we do not have a restricted thought and we do not have a thought according to personal preference.”

We must only have “a thought according to God,” he stated, adding that “with this thought, which is a thought of the mind, of heart, and of soul; with this thought, which is the gift of the Spirit, (we) look for the meaning of things, and to understand the signs of the time well.”

Bringing his homily to an end, the Pope said that we must ask the Lord for the grace to have “the ability which gives us the spirit” to “understand the signs of the time.”

Medjugorje: Our Lady's message of December 2, 2013 to Mirjana


"Dear children; with a motherly love and a motherly patience I am looking at your ceaseless wandering and how lost you are.  That is why I am with you. I desire to help you to first find and come to know yourself, so that, then, you would be able to recognize and to admit everything that does not permit you to get to know the love of the Heavenly Father, honestly and wholeheartedly.  My children, the Father comes to be known through the cross.  Therefore, do not reject the cross.  Strive to comprehend and accept it with my help.  When you will be able to accept the cross you will also understand the love of the Heavenly Father; you will walk with my Son and with me; you will differ from those who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father, those who listen to Him but do not understand Him, those who do not walk with Him - who have not come to know Him. I desire for you to come to know the truth of my Son and to be my apostles; that, as children of God, you may rise above the human way of thinking and always, and in everything, seek God's way of thinking, anew. My children, pray and fast that you may be able to recognize all of this which I am seeking of you. Pray for your shepherds and long to come to know the love of your Heavenly Father, in union with them. Thank you."

Lord, Only say the Word

Only say the Word and my servant will be healed. (Matthew 8:8)
It wasn’t too often that someone or something stopped Jesus dead in his tracks. But this centurion surely did. Jesus was so thrilled and impressed with him that he declared he had never seen such faith in anyone else—not even in the most faithful of Israelites! We all know the end of the story: the centurion’s servant was healed at that very hour.
It can be hard to believe, but it’s true: Jesus is thrilled when we proclaim our faith and trust in him. It puts a smile on his face and fills him with joy. So let’s make this the cry of our hearts this Advent: “Lord, I am not worthy, but only say the word and _______ will be healed.” Believe that he is a good God. Trust that he will take care of you. Surrender your needs and the needs of your loved ones to him. Know that the moment you say this prayer, he has already begun to respond.
Be sure to remember that God’s response may not look exactly like the response you’re looking for. Neither will it always come according to the exact timing that you expect. But it will come, and that’s what you need to base your faith on. Simply proclaim, “Lord, I know you have heard my prayer. I know you love me. I know you love the person I am praying for. Now I’m leaving it in your hands. I trust that you will do what you know to be best for all of us.”
How can you tell that the Lord is working? For one, you will have a growing sense of peace as you continue to pray—an inner confidence that God is in control of the situation. You may also find new wisdom and insight into ways you can improve the situation. Finally, keep your eyes open for signs of healing and restoration. If you are praying for a wounded relationship, look for a thaw that you can step into. If you are looking for physical healing, look for forward progress.
Keep declaring your faith, and watch to see how God’s marvels unfold.
“Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word, and I trust that I will see the healing you have in store for me.”

Christmas Spirit


"The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him." -Isaiah 11:2

As we begin Advent, the Church directs our attention to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord rested upon Jesus, and He "rejoiced in the Holy Spirit" (Lk 10:21). Jesus calls us also to be "Spirit-filled." Those of us who have received Baptism and Confirmation have received the Spirit. However, all of us have stifled, quenched, saddened, and grieved the Spirit by our sins (1 Thes 5:19; Eph 4:30).
As we begin this new Church year, we must let the Spirit be stirred into flame in our lives (2 Tm 1:6). We do this by repenting of sin and asking for a renewal of our life in the Spirit. After we have stopped stifling the Spirit and have been renewed, we should ask the Lord for a completely new movement of the Spirit in our lives. We have only begun to receive the Spirit's infinite graces. There's always so much more, always something new.
Pray with the Apostles: "Grant to Your servants, even as they speak Your words, complete assurance by stretching forth Your hand in cures and signs and wonders to be worked in the name of Jesus, Your holy Servant" (Acts 4:29-30). After that prayer, like Jesus' early disciples, we will be filled in a new way with the Holy Spirit (see Acts 4:31). Receive the Holy Spirit again, now, and anew.

 Father, stir up in me wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, and fear of the Lord. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

 "Blest are the eyes that see what you see." -Lk 10:23

A Message from Our Lady



Dear children!
Today I call you to accept and live my messages with seriousness. These days are the days when you need todecide for God, for peace and for the good.

 May every hatred and jealousy disappear from your life and your thoughts, and may there only dwell love for God and for your neighbor. Thus, and only thus, shall you be able to discern the signs of the time.

I am with you and I guide you into a new time, a time which God gives you as grace so that you may get to know him more. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Our Lady's Medjugorje message to Mirjana of (January 25, 1993)  

Sr. Emmanuel's Comments on the Apparition of the 2nd


Sister Emmauel comments on Our Lady's apparition to Mirjana on December 2nd

Healing Service


Advent Healing Service
December 12th
Fr. Joseph Whalen, M.S.
Fr. John E. Welch, M.S.
St. Gabriel the Archangel Church
151 Mendon Street
Upton, MA 01568
For more info contact:
(802) 343-0573
Healing Service
All Welcome!

The Medjugorje Message: There’s no hiding brokenness...

Daily Grace: Seek God's Way of Thinking

Blind Men


"Two blind men came after [Jesus]." -Matthew 9:27

The Church repeatedly reads to us from the Bible about being blind and being healed from blindness by Jesus. Our first reaction to this may be that of the Pharisees: "You are not calling us blind, are You?" (Jn 9:40) Jesus' response to that question is: "Yes, I'm calling you blind, blinded by sin, and I'm commanding you to repent both of blinding yourself (see Is 29:9) and of denying your spiritual blindness."

Jesus doesn't "beat around the bush." He bluntly calls sin "sin" and acts like God in demanding we repent. We can react to Jesus' candor as did the Pharisees. We can blindly try to kill the only One Who can heal blindness, or we can confess our denial, see our blindness, and cry out to Jesus: "Son of David, have pity on us!" (Mt 9:27) Then Jesus will touch our eyes, and we will be healed.

There are Christmas presents, and then there are Christmas presents. We can receive presents worth $5 or $5,000, or ones which are priceless. Healing from spiritual blindness is one of the greatest gifts a person can receive. This healing is even more valuable than a healing from physical blindness, as great as that is. Repent, open your Christmas present, and open your spiritual eyes.

 Jesus, "I want to see" (Mk 10:51).

 "Out of gloom and darkness, the eyes of the blind shall see." -Is 29:18

Ivan to witness at Honduras Youth Festival


Ivan to witness at Honduras Youth Festival


The Catholic University of Honduras, Our Lady Queen of Peace, is to stage its second Central America Youth festival in Danli, Honduras, on January 23 to 25, 2014. 

Invited speakers include the Medjugorje seer Ivan Dragicevic and the recently-ordained and Medjugorje-born priest Fr Stanko Cosic. 

Last year’s event was also attended and supported by the Honduras Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga as well as Ivan Dragicevic. The Cardinal is the co-ordinator of the so-called C8 circle of advisers to Pope Francis. 

At the site of the festival is a replica of Medjugorje’s St James church, and the white cross that stands at the summit of Mt Krizevac (pictured below).

Today's Daily Revelation December 7


Today [December 7, 1937] is the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. During the midday meal, in an instant, God gave me to know the greatness of my destiny; that is, His closeness, which for all eternity will not be taken away from me, and He did this in such a vivid and clear fashion that I remained wrapped up in His living presence for a long time, humbling myself before His greatness.
Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, 1410
It is with great zeal that I have prepared for the celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God. I have made an extra effort to keep recollected in spirit and have meditated on that unique privilege of Our Lady. And thus my heart was completely drowned in Her, thanking God for having accorded this great privilege to Mary.
Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, 1412
I prepared not only by means of the novena said in common by the whole community, but I also made a personal effort to salute Her a thousand times each day, saying a thousand "Hail Marys" for nine days in Her praise.
Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, 1413

Children of Medjugorje Newsletter

December 10, 2013

Dear Children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and Mary!

1. On December 2, 2013, Mirjana received her monthly apparition at the blue Cross, surrounded by pilgrims, but less than usual because of the winter season. After the apparition, Mirjana transmitted the following message:

"Dear children! With a motherly love and a motherly patience I am looking at your ceaseless wandering and how lost you are. That is why I am with you. I desire to help you to first find and come to know yourself, so that, then, you would be able to recognize and to admit everything that does not permit you to get to know the love of the Heavenly Father, honestly and wholeheartedly. 
My children, the Father comes to be known through the Cross. Therefore, do not reject the Cross. Strive to comprehend and accept it with my help. When you will be able to accept the Cross you will also understand the love of the Heavenly Father; you will walk with my Son and with me; you will differ from those who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father, those who listen to Him but do not understand Him, those who do not walk with Him - who have not come to know Him. I desire for you to come to know the truth of my Son and to be my apostles; that, as children of God, you may rise above the human way of thinking and always, and in everything, seek God's way of thinking, anew.
My children, pray and fast that you may be able to recognize all of this which I am seeking of you.
Pray for your shepherds and long to come to know the love of your Heavenly Father, in union with them. Thank you."

2. Question: Last Christmas, what happened that was so exceptional? On December 25, 2012, the visionary Marija was completely aghast to see that during her apparition, Mary gave no message. This had never happened before, especially on Christmas day, when Our Lady always comes very happy. This time however, it was the Child Jesus who spoke!  He lifted Himself up on His Mother's arms and said, with great authority: "I am your peace. Live my commandments!"The event shook us up! A newborn spoke!!  However, it turns out too few people took it to heart to listen to the Child Jesus and his cry to us!  Too bad!  Living God's commandments is to follow the signposts in the road to heaven, and obtain true peace!

That is why I suggest to all to offer a wonderful birthday gift to the Child Jesus this year, namely to read and re-read the commandments given to Moses (they don't have an expiry date), and the commandments given by Jesus in the Gospel, so that we can put them all into practice, (see PS2). That would be the most beautiful of all gifts, to thank Him for coming in His Mother's arms this Christmas again, and into our hearts with every Eucharist. 
Then, based on these "10 Words" (as the Jews name them), let's go to a priest to confess our transgressions and sins most sincerely, so as to come to Christmas with a heart that is pure and light. Then, let's joyfully celebrate!
The Catechism of the Catholic Church gives splendid explanations for each one of the 10 commandments. They are all based on love and revealed by love, for the purpose of love. "Whoever loves me, says Jesus, is he who has my Words and keeps them!"

3. With Christmas approaching,
we are tempted to be nervous, and be swept away by the wave of the world that transformed Christmas into a huge financial operation. We are put under pressure: Go shopping; go to the mall; buy a growing list of presents, cook. So many see the coming of Christmas with anguish because of the imperatives that society imposes on them, while they dream of living Christmas in the warmth and simplicity of the Holy Family with those who are close to them. Assuredly, we should know how to "celebrate". Jesus was the first one to celebrate Holidays well, but the Holiday is made for man and not man for the Holiday!
Especially today, one could be sullen considering the horrors that our leaders are imposing on us at all levels, considering the decreasing thickness of our wallets, and the crises that don't seem to be getting better. Isn't this a sign that God wants us to spend Christmas with Him this year in a more Christian way? It is first and foremost the anniversary of the birth of the Infant Jesus, and he has huge treasures to give to us! In particular, he will give us the love of life! Let's not miss this present! 
I know an ex-Satanist who had done terrible things as part of his initiation in a child-stealing network, but I won't say any more about his actions. He underwent numerous exorcisms, and became Christian. After 12 years of a profound Christian life, he confided in me this terrible fact about his life, "You know, when I see the picture of a newborn on the wall, I can feel a wave of hatred rising in me, yes, still now! I need time to push it away and welcome in me the love of God for life, and for children."
The enemy hates human life of which he is jealous, and his number one plan is the destruction of the Family, the basis of human life. If he succeeds in corrupting and destroying the family, the nest of life created by God, he will have destroyed humanity and he will be glad. But he will not succeed! Why? Because God is intervening today like never before, among other things through His Mother, to call us and show us the way! The enemy will not succeed because Jesus and Mary have called us! Yes, you and me, all of us her "dear children" as she calls us, to live with Them and bring divine peace where it has disappeared.
"In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph!" This is the nicest prophecy of Mary, often expressed in her messages. Mary thanks all her children who take her triumph to heart and advance it by their humble faithfulness. The Gospa is counting on you as much as on me!
She is going to give us her Child again at Christmas because, "A Child has been born unto us, a Son has been given to us!" as Isaiah wrote. And this "us" is us!  Dear brothers and sisters, Christmas is our healing! Evil will crash against the innocence of the Child Jesus! We need a child to put an end to our rejection of children, of life, of the human family! We need the Child Jesus to vanquish in us the fear of living and giving life!
3. Is your manger ready?  The Gospa invites us to set up our Nativity scenes at the beginning of Advent, so that we can wait with her, during her loving and maternal expectation of her child. She also invites us, as a family, to read excerpts from the Bible about the Advent season (at least the texts read at mass), and to share them among us, thus reinforcing the unity of hearts in the family.  (We may also read the stories of the Childhood revealed to Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick. These need not be taken literally, as if it were a new Gospel. But the images may help some to better perceive the coming of the Messiah to Bethlehem.) Finally she invites us to outdo ourselves in generosity, mostly toward people who are alone, suffering, poor, or weak. Not forgetting that the poor are not only those who have nothing. Many of the rich live a great inner poverty. "There are people who are so poor that they only have money!" says our Pope Francis. Christmas is when the most suicides occur, according to Psychiatric hospitals reports!   But Christmas day is also when the most souls leave Purgatory to enter Heaven!
4. Yes, the Pope said..."Curiosity can lead us to have the wrong focus, making us want to say, 'I know a visionary who receives letters from Our Lady, messages from Our Lady.' But look, Our Lady is the Mother of everyone and she loves all of us. She is not a postmaster, sending messages everyday."
These words created doubt among some people: did the Pope have Medjugorje in mind? Of course, not! These words do not concern Medjugorje, it is just the opposite, they protect Medjugorje from false visionaries who interfere in groups and give messages to whoever is looking for them. In addition, it would be good to keep in mind that the pope knows and believes in Medjugorje.
5. Remember to prepare your list of Saints so that you can draw your companion for the year when you come together in the family, or in your prayer groups. The list is available online, below the featured video on the homepage of our website, www.childrenofmedjugorje.org

Dearest Gospa, we beg you as never before, please outdo yourself in your intercession this Christmas, spiritual warfare is raging! Who else but you has received from God the power and the mission to crush the head of the serpent? Please fulfill our hearts with your Child, and make this Christmas the most joyful one ever!
Sister Emmanuel +
(Translated from French)

I call you. Come to me


Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened. (Matthew 11:28)
As you ponder today’s Gospel reading, imagine Jesus standing before you with outstretched arms, inviting you into his embrace. His eyes are filled with compassion as he says, “I will always love you. I never stop thinking about you. Did you think that I had rejected you? Never! On the contrary, I call you. Come to me.
“Come, you who hide under shame’s dark shadow, and let my light shine into your darkness.
“Come, you who have searched the world for success and been disappointed, for in me your soul will find rest.
“Come, you who are sick, and let me ease your suffering.
“Come, you who toil under the weight of addiction, and I will help you shoulder your burden.
“Come, you victims of violence, and I will give you my protection and peace.
“Come, you whose marriage is in tatters, and I will strengthen your love with my own.
“Come, you who have been rejected, for I accept you unconditionally.
“Come, you who despair of my mercy, for I offer you forgiveness in abundance.
“Yes, come to me. Open your heart to me at any time, any hour. I love it when we spend time together and you confide in me.
“Come to me, for I am true Wisdom. I want to teach you by my word. Open the Scriptures and let me speak to you. Rejoice in my love for you and the whole world!
“Come to me, for I am Mercy incarnate. Let me cleanse you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Lay down your burden; I have waited so long.
“Come to me, for I am the Bread of Life. Let me nourish you at the Eucharistic feast. Come without fear to receive me, your Savior, and I will give you all of myself: body, blood, soul, and divinity.
“Come and take my yoke upon you. Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul.”
“Jesus, I am amazed at your love. Here I am, Lord!”
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