Medjugorje Minute by Wayne Weible 03/25/15
Our Lady's Message to Marija of March 25, 2015

(c)Mary TV 2014
March 25, 2015
Dear Family of Mary!
Here is the message given today through Marija:
"Dear children! Also today the Most High permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of conversion. Many hearts have shut themselves to grace and have become deaf to my call. You, little children, pray and fight against temptation and all the evil plans which the devil offers you through modernism. Be strong in prayer and with the cross in your hands pray that evil may not use you and may not conquer in you. I am with you and pray for you. Thank you for having responded to my call." (March 25, 2015)
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV
Medjugorje Minute by Wayne Weible 03/27/15
Father John Randall, Easter Week, Can you hear me now?
Easter Week Published on Apr 17, 2012:
Watch this GREAT, rousing episode of St. Charles Speaks! produced by Kara Russo and filmed at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Providence, Rhode Island in April 2010!
Father John Randall, passed away in June 2011.
Filled with the Holy Spirit, he tells it like it is! Many miracles have happened since his death and many miracles before his death as well.
Watch this GREAT, rousing episode of St. Charles Speaks! produced by Kara Russo and filmed at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Providence, Rhode Island in April 2010!
Father John Randall, passed away in June 2011.
Filled with the Holy Spirit, he tells it like it is! Many miracles have happened since his death and many miracles before his death as well.
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Kiera’s Miracle
| MARCH 23, 2015
Meanwhile, everyone was praying. Kiera’s name spread like wild fire. We received so many holy items and Masses. Kiera’s picture was taken to the Holy Land, Medjugorje, and Rome.
My friend, Joann, told me about Fr. Bill Kiel. Her mother had been to his Healing Mass in Indiana, PA, and was healed from kidney cancer. Fr. Kiel met with us privately and blessed us all, and we went to his Healing Mass several times. After my first Healing Mass and resting in the Spirit for the first time, I had felt peace for the first time since Kiera was diagnosed. Kiera also rested in the spirit.
When Kiera had her scan, the surgeon said that surgery would be doable, but would have to have a plastic surgeon available. However, they found a nodule on Kiera’s lung, and she had to have a biopsy. After her biopsy, the first thing Kiera said was, “Nana, I just felt the Blessed Mother kiss me on my forehead.” The biopsy was negative – a miracle! The oncologist was sure that the cancer had spread to her lungs. If it had, no surgery would have been performed.
We kept going to Fr. Kiel’s Healing Masses and to a local church, St. Francis Night of Worship, where the Franciscan’s brothers prayed for her. Fr. Kiel had gone to Medjugorje where he said Mass for Kiera and brought her back 100 rosaries and medals. Kiera enjoyed giving these to everyone.
Kiera had to have a colostomy before her major surgery, then in a few weeks she would have the surgery. A week before her surgery, we got a call that her surgeon had to have back surgery. We had the choice of having another surgeon or to wait until Kiera’s surgeon returned. We thought God must have a reason for this. We would wait because he was the best surgeon.
Since her surgery was delayed by another six weeks, she had to have another scan. The surgeon was surprised to see that the tumor and its extensions were much, much less, and a plastic surgeon would not be needed. The surgeon said he did not understand how it could be better. I told him it was God, and he wouldn’t believe how many people were praying for her. She had her surgery while everyone was praying for her, and the surgeon got clean borders – a miracle! Kiera healed miraculously well with no problems at all. She was back in school a week after her surgery. If her surgeon wouldn’t have had surgery himself, Kiera’s surgery would have been much more radical.
A year later, Kiera had her colostomy reversed. During all of this, we were blessed to meet so many amazing people. And of course, God had already blessed us with our wonderful family and friends, and co-workers. We had so many God-winks.
Then, in October, 2011, Kiera felt a tiny lump in her chest that started to grow. A biopsy showed it was the same cancer. Her oncologist said surgery was not possible due to the tumor’s finger-like extensions down around her ribs. Of course, we confirmed it with a second opinion. No surgery or chemo could be done. I thought, “Why did God take away His miracle?” That is when our wonderful friend, Debbie, said we should go to Medjugorje.
Vicka Meets Kiera
In January of 2012, we went to Medjugorje. The visionary Vicka had been too ill to be speaking in public, but she began speaking the week before Kiera arrived. Vicka held Kiera in her arms and prayed for her. She told her that there is nothing to fear. Kiera said that she knows that, and that she is in a win-win situation. She wins if she goes to Heaven and she wins if she stays here. Vicka said our Blessed Mother took her to Heaven, and Heaven is the most joyful place we could ever imagine.
While climbing Cross Mountain, we first saw the Miracle of the Sun. At another location, Kiera captured this miracle on her phone, which the rest of us could not capture. You can see her video on YouTube (Video of Pulsating Sun from Medjugorje). My husband, Bob, saw a hand above the Cross as he was praying. At the Risen Christ statue, tears drip out of the leg; but every time Kiera touched it, they flowed (not drip). Fr. Kevin Devine said Mass for her and treated her like an angel. We met so many amazing people and friends for life. We all had such a peace that is hard to explain. We didn’t want to leave and cried as we drove away.
Kiera’s care was transferred back to Pittsburgh, so she would be closer for palliative care. She was in a clinical trial in the summer of 2012, which failed, and the tumor grew. She also developed tumor lesions and fistulas in her original tumor site on her bottom. She was in extreme pain.
Our friends, Anita and Nancy, who we met at Fr. Kiel’s, were going to Medjugorje in November, 2012, with Fr. Kiel. They felt that Kiera HAD to go back to Medjugorje. They were leaving in three weeks, and I said we just couldn’t afford to go again so soon. They said not to worry about the money.
Earthly Angels
Special anonymous Earth angels donated money to pay for Kiera and her father, Dan (my son), to go. There just happened to be room on the plane and in the hotel. Also, I found out later that they were short $500, and a man from Massachusetts we never even met, who couldn’t make his trip with the same travel company that we were with, wanted to use his refund toward a child going to Medjugorje. He knew nothing about Kiera, but the agent at the travel company did. Just so happens that he has a granddaughter whose name is Kiera – spelled the same.
Return to Medjugorje

In December, Kiera went for her check-up, and her bottom area was as the doctor said, “Amazingly better.” She no longer had pain in this area, and she had put on 10 pounds. Her tumor in her chest was still there, but not giving her as much pain as before. Her oncologist decided it wouldn’t hurt to try radiation on her chest; although, it had been proven that radiation does not work on this type of tumor. Over Christmas, she had radiation and then again the end of January. When we went for Kiera’s checkup in August, 2013, no tumor could be felt. Her oncologist said it is unexplainable and is miraculous! He said she is his third miracle since he became a doctor. He said there was no way that radiation would have shrunk it. Also, when Kiera had an echocardiogram, I had the technician place the ultrasound over the tumor site, and he could not detect any tumor. Miracle! Kiera just had her six-month checkup on Good Friday, April 18th [2014], and her oncologist still says it’s a miracle!
If it hadn’t been for Kiera’s illness, we would not have become closer to God, met so many amazing people, and been blessed with so many new friends. Kiera has made so many people more faithful. Kiera told me when the cancer had come back to not be sad; she couldn’t wait to meet God, and that we would be together soon because our time here on Earth is like a blink of God’s eye. We never gave up hope and praying, but also accepted God’s will and peace. Most important of all is for us to be in Heaven with Our Lord! Maybe Kiera’s illness has saved some souls.
Before Kiera’s illness, I always thanked God, but didn’t really praise Him. I always went to church, but hadn’t made God the center of my life. I knew of the Holy Spirit, but didn’t KNOW the Holy Spirit like I do now. I now know the power of the Rosary and fasting, and read God’s Word, the Bible. So I have to thank God for Kiera’s illness because it brought me and others closer to God. Kiera is God’s gift to us – she is God’s. I know there is a God because how else can we have a heart that can love others so much. Thank you, my wonderful Blessed Mother, all my angels, saints, loved ones in Heaven and on Earth for your prayers. Thank you, God The Father! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Holy Spirit! If you are reading this, please give thanks for me.
Remember to always give thanks and praise to God; prayer is very powerful. Nothing is impossible with God. Jesus, I trust in You!
Editor’s note: Cathy is from Dysart, PA.
Fr. Bill Kiel will be at the Signs & Wonders seminar on May 2, 2015.
Dear Family of Mary April 1, 2015
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"Surely it is not I, Rabbi?" -Matthew 26:25
Notice that, in Matthew's account of the Passion, Judas addressed Jesus merely as "Rabbi," not as Lord (Mt 26:25; see also Mt 26:49). The other disciples all addressed Jesus as "Lord" (Mt 26:22). Calling Jesus "Rabbi," that is, "Teacher" (see Jn 1:38), gives evidence that Judas had already stopped recognizing Jesus as his Lord and Master. Since no man can have two masters (Mt 6:24), Judas now had a different master than Jesus; he transferred his loyalty to the Jewish chief priests (see Mt 26:14ff). How tragically sad!
Judas betrayed Jesus so smoothly that even the other eleven apostles, who were so quick to compare themselves to each other (see Mt 20:24; Mk 9:34; Lk 9:46; 22:24), didn't even suspect Judas. None of the other disciples said, "Lord, is it Judas?" Instead they all asked Jesus if they themselves had betrayed Him (Mt 26:22). Judas successfully hid his betrayal from his closest associates, but the Lord knew differently.
Judas shows that it is possible to fool even the pillars of the Church into thinking we are great servants of Jesus. We can even fool ourselves into thinking we have given our lives to Jesus. However, we can't fool the Lord. We must give Jesus every aspect of our lives to truly call Him our Lord. As Fr. Al Lauer, founder and long-time author of One Bread, One Body, often proclaimed: "If Jesus is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord at all in your life." Ask Jesus to show you any area of your life that still needs to be subject to Him. Give Jesus your all, and make Him your Lord.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, nail me to Your cross with You, so that I might never leave You in difficult times.
Our Lady's Message given on April 2, 2015 through Mirjana:

"Dear children, I have chosen you, my apostles, because all of you carry something beautiful within you. You can help me to have the love, for the sake of which my Son died and then resurrected, win anew. Therefore, I am calling you, my apostles, to try to see something good in every creature of God, in all of my children, and to try to understand them. My children, you are all brothers and sisters through the same Holy Spirit. You, filled with love for my Son, can speak of what you know to all those who have not come to know that love. You have come to know the love of my Son, you have comprehended His Resurrection, with joy you cast your gaze towards Him. My motherly desire is for all of my children to be united in love for Jesus. Therefore, I am calling you, my apostles, to live the Eucharist with joy, because in the Eucharist my Son gives Himself to you anew and with His example shows the love and sacrifice towards the neighbor. Thank you." (April 2, 2015)
Our suffering Savior
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Painting by Joan Grayson http://catholicsacredart.blogspot.com/ |
During Holy Week of every year, I do a painting of the Crucifixion, or the face of Jesus, and this year I did an abstract of him inspired by the Shroud of Turin.
The Medjugorje Message: When Marija was shown Christ crucified
The Medjugorje Message: When Marija was shown Christ crucified: After receiving the latest message of Our Lady on March 25, the seer Marija Pavlovic was reminded during an interview with Fr Livio Fanzaga ...
Via Dolorosa
Via Dolorosa Sung by Tajci Cameron
John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that He have His only begotten Son that whomsoever would believe in Him, might not perish but have everlasting life For God sent not His Son to condemn the world but that the world might be saved thru Him. Amen.
You are my God
We Are A Easter People
Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are a Easter people and Hallelujah is our song.
Pope John Paul
Mark 16:6
"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.
Medjugorje Minute by Wayne Weible 04/06/15
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Fr. Edward Sousa Jr. giving God's blessing to Nancy Latta |
"God Bless You!
For the feast of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, the Jews have a beautiful tradition: They offer one another a symbolic fruit, a pomegranate, (reminiscent of The Song of the Songs), and say, “May God give you as many blessings as there are seeds in this pomegranate!”
So, in this first month of the year, I too wish you this great abundance of blessings for 2012! Above all, let's remain in deep communion with our Pope who fights for the Church and counts on our prayers!
It is important to remember that all true blessings come from God and not from luck or chance. Luck does not really exist because God is master of all things and He leaves nothing to chance. Chance is a fabricated invention of man, and when someone tells me “Good luck”, I answer, “God bless you!” Just like the seeds of a pomegranate have no space left between them, but are instead beautifully interwoven into each other, God leaves no space to void.
Medjugorje is a place of great blessings; this is no secret. But, by living the messages of Mary, abandoning sin and adjusting our lives to the Gospel, every one of us can become a blessing for others, and make of their work, their home, their life, a flood of blessings.
Priests are the ones who give the greatest blessings. The Gospa said, “When a priest blesses you, dear children, it is my Son who blesses you. The blessing of a priest is greater than mine.
If priests knew what they give when they bless, they would bless day and night!” In January, at Medjugorje, the Franciscans go to the homes of the Croatians to bless their houses and families. May all the parishes of the world resume this powerful tradition!
If priests knew what they give when they bless, they would bless day and night!” In January, at Medjugorje, the Franciscans go to the homes of the Croatians to bless their houses and families. May all the parishes of the world resume this powerful tradition!
A friend from Kerala, a father of a family very close to God, told me that one time he was attending Mass but he had to leave the church quickly after Mass because of an important trip to another town. Since the mass lasted longer than usual, he first considered leaving before the end. But then he thought to himself, “No, I do not want to miss the final blessing!” and he stayed to receive it. Later on, as he was driving, he was caught in a very serious accident that involved many cars around him. It was a very bloody scene. But though he was in the accident, he was left completely uninjured, which was inexplicable. He then heard an inner voice saying, “Because you received my blessing at Mass, your life was spared!” Excerpt from http://www.childrenofmedjugorje.com/
God’s Great Gift to You: The Priesthood

Priesthood: God’s Gift to You
Unveiled: The Vital Role of the Priesthood
By Fr. Daniel E. Doctor:
Holy Thursday we celebrate the institution of two of the most important sacraments; the Holy Eucharist and the ministerial priesthood. For without the Holy Eucharist we would have no priesthood and without the priesthood we would have no Holy Eucharist.
“Jesus Christ is the great High Priest who has passed through the heavens. Let us hold fast to our profession of faith. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness. But one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet never sinned. So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and favor and to find help in the time of need.” These are the words of the Letter to the Hebrews – these are the wo
rds of faith and hope that were preached to these first followers of Christ by their priests.
This Great High Priest Jesus Christ has not left us and His Church alone but has provided for our spiritual well-being with His very self. Let us hold tightly to this teaching of the Apostles. Let us profess it with great devotion and love.
St. Paul tells us, “what I received from the Lord I also handed on to you … proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes.”
Our Lord was not a priest because He was begotten eternally of the Father … the Second Person of the Trinity. He was a priest because of the human nature He assumed and then offers on the Cross, as a priestly sacrifice with Himself as both the victim and as the One who offers the sacrifice. He does this out of love for us and our salvation.
Every priest is an alter Christus “another Christ” because he has a vertical relationship to Christ in heaven and a horizontal relationship to every person on earth. This then forms the cross of Christ in every priest. The priest is called by the Holy Spirit and has the responsibility, according to Church Teachings, to teach the Catholic faith. Not his own beliefs does he teach, but that of Christ, the High Priest as revealed and passed on to us in both Sacred Scripture and Tradition.
The priest is called to govern, to regulate, and to celebrate the sacraments with the same love that Christ instituted them. The priest is called to sanctify not only his own life but the lives of sinners and saints, to make holy all who come to him in their need of the Church’s Sacraments and God’s sanctifying graces. It is a very true statement that, to the point that others see Christ in His priests, depends on whether His priests act like Christ their Master …. The reason the priesthood has lost its influence in the world is because in many circumstances we, priests, don’t appear to the world as different from anyone else. It is in direct proportion in which the priest seeks what the world can give that the priest will become unable to give the world what it really needs most and that is Jesus Christ Himself.
Christ came to serve not to be served. And, through His priests He has assured that He will be able to do this here on earth until the end of time sanctifying us, teaching us, and governing us as though He had never left.
Just as the Eucharist Lord is pure gift of Himself so too is His priesthood by which the Eucharist remains with us. And what has been true is always true. God gives holy priests to holy people. So we all play our part in the kind of priests that we will have.
Through our prayers, devotions, penance, reverence, and worship of the Eucharist, by following the teachings of the faith we inspire young men to live their faith and in this way we truly ask God for good holy priests.
The Great Archbishop, Fulton Sheen said, “The search for priestly vocations begins on our knees in adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament.”
We your priests need your prayers. We need your kind words of support, too. Three out of every four seminarians indicated that their mothers were a major inspiration in the development of their vocation, a major inspiration! We need to be good Catholic mothers and fathers who influence their children with more than just material successes.
Every priest realizes some time in his priesthood the words of Jesus, “You have not chosen me; but I have chosen you.” And, He has chosen His priests to go out and bear much fruit to offer the
Church’s Sacraments and to offer Her sacrifices for the salvation of souls; to absolve sinners from sin and to cast out evil; to lead sinners to Christ and in Him find salvation and peace for their souls; to preach and teach a Gospel that is firm, truthful and counter cultural that “comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable.”
Church’s Sacraments and to offer Her sacrifices for the salvation of souls; to absolve sinners from sin and to cast out evil; to lead sinners to Christ and in Him find salvation and peace for their souls; to preach and teach a Gospel that is firm, truthful and counter cultural that “comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable.”
Priests are meant to be instruments in the hands of Jesus Christ for the education, sanctification, and salvation of souls. For it is in the Consecration and Elevation of the Body and Blood of Christ at every Mass that the priest exercises fully the power of his priesthood.
Bishop Fulton Sheen continued, “Every woe, every wound in the world is ours as priests … every soul is either a potential convert or a potential saint. No priest is his own he belongs to Christ, to the Church, to his people.” There is a dangerous tendency among many of us in these modern times to divorce Christ from His priests.
But we must remember it is the priest’s unity with Christ’s death, His sacrifice on the cross, that gives all the sacraments their power. It is from the very side of our Savior that the Church and all her sacraments were born, including the priests who serve you.
St. Catherine of Siena taught that contained in the Sacred Heart of Jesus before His death was the Church, all of us, and His Sacraments. When His side was pierced so was His Sacred Heart, and flowing out from His wounded Heart came His bride, the Church, and all of us as her children. In one instant, “all we need was provided for us by so great a redeemer.”
But Christ’s lifeless body was dead on the cross Who would now bring these sacraments that He borne for us by His suffering and death? Who would go out in loving service to bring these sacramental graces to the world? to those in need of His grace, His healing?? Who would go out to all the world and provide these sacraments of Christ for His Bride?
“Do this in memory of me” has echoed through the centuries. Do these mystical things that Christ did that bring us life. Jesus says in the Holy Thursday’s Gospel, “I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.” With these words the apostles were ordained His first priests, given the task of completing the work He started. A life of administering the sacraments, a life of preaching His Gospel, a life of being the new ministers of this new covenant. His Bishop’s/His Priest’s chosen to lead, to govern, to ordain to make holy all those who will come to them through the sacraments, He gave us, to give us this holy and abundant Life.
This is the vocation of every priest who is ordained by a bishop who follows in the apostolic linage back to Christ Jesus Himself that on this night, Christ being “fully aware” as the gospel tells us. He instituted the sacraments of the priesthood and the Holy Eucharist so that His sacramental graces would continue to flow from His side through His Church, first and foremost, for our for sanctification and resulting in the final act of our salvation.
This is what we celebrate on this holy of nights this is our faith as Catholics. That the night before He died; He left us two of His greatest gifts; Himself in the Blessed Sacrament and His sacred and royal priesthood to continue this unbloody sacrifice of the Mass in remembrance of Him for the remission of sins until He comes again in glory.
Medjugorje Minute by Wayne Weible 04/07/15
Paul Harvey explaining how he would destroy us [America] if he were Satan…
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Paul Harvey |
Prophetic words of Paul Harvey from 1965
“If I were the devil, I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree—Thee. So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first—I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: “Do as you please.” “Do as you please.” To the young, I would whisper, “The Bible is a myth.” I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is “square”. And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to pray after me, ‘Our Father, which art in Washington…’ And then I’d get organized. I’d educate authors on how to lurid literature exciting, so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I’d pedal narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the devil I’d soon have families that war with themselves, churches that war that themselves, and nations that war with themselves; until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flame. If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, and neglect to discipline emotions—just let those run wild, until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door. Within a decade I’d have prisons overflowing, I’d have judges promoting pornography—soon I could evict God from the courthouse, and then the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress. And in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls, and church money. If I were the devil I’d make the symbols of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle. If I were the devil I’d take from those, and who have, and give to those wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. What do you bet I could get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich? I would question against extremes and hard work, and Patriotism, and moral conduct. I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging more fun, that what you see on the TV is the way to be. And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure. In other words, if I were to devil I’d keep on doing on what he’s doing. Paul Harvey, good day.”
Video Paul Harvey " If I were the Devil " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSC21kRGseM
The Medjugorje Message: Pope invited Medjugorje promoter to Vatican
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http://crownofstars.blogspot.com/ |
The Medjugorje Message: Pope invited Medjugorje promoter to Vatican: Journalist Paolo Brosio, perhaps the most active promoter of the Medjugorje phenomenon in Italy, met privately with Pope Francis at the Vatican...
Divine Mercy Sunday--They need our prayers