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Mary Did You Know - Kathy Mattea


This beautiful Christmas song with words written by Mark Lowry and music written by Buddy Greene. Words and music came together about 1990.
This exceptional performance is by Kathy Mattea, done "live" before a large audience in December 1994.

The Medjugorje Message: Medjugorje dossier “on the Pope’s desk”

Pray for Priest

Featured article from December's Spirit of Medjugorje
Pray For Priests
By Dianne Yochim

     My husband and I have been blessed to know some very holy priests over the years, but one stands out among the rest. I’ll call him Father G. He was particularly close to our family. As Mom lay dying in the hospital, this priest knelt down on the hard tile floor beside her bed and led the family around her in the Rosary and then in the Litany of the Blessed Mother. What was so remarkable was the fact that not only did he recite the entire Litany completely from memory, but that he was 93 years old!

     Years earlier, we had been invited to a special dinner celebrating Father G.’s 50th Anniversary as a priest. He told us how grateful he was for all the people who prayed for him over the years. He assured us that it was through those prayers that he was able to remain faithful to the priesthood that God had chosen him for. Then he shared a personal story with us that he said not many people knew. He said that when he was a young priest, he went through a very dark and troubling time. For months he contemplated leaving the priesthood. He didn’t tell anyone, but prayed and prayed for guidance. One day, he found his answer in a painting that he would never forget. In the foreground of the painting, a poorly dressed man sat on a park bench looking forlorn and dejected. On his shoulder sat a devil. Then in the background, high up on a hill, the artist had painted a monastery. All around and in the monastery, the monks were busy about their chores. There were many devils hovering over the monastery, and each monk had several devils attacking him individually. When Father G. saw this painting, he understood why he had become so confused about the priesthood; he was being severely tempted by many devils. At this understanding, his darkness vanished. 
     When Father G. shared this personal story with us, I remembered hearing before that, when we are tempted, we have one devil on our back, but when a priest is tempted, he has ten devils on his back. 

     Why are priests under such heavy attack? They are God’s ministers to us. Through them, we receive the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist and the forgiveness of our sins. We receive God’s grace and, hopefully, one day salvation and union with Him. Through the ministry of one priest, thousands of souls can be saved. We need priests. 

     As much as we need priests, they need our prayers and support. The Second Vatican Council states: “The Christian faithful, for their part, should realize their obligations to their priests…Sharing their cares, they should help their priests by prayer, and work insofar as possible so that their priests might more readily overcome difficulties and be able to fulfill their duties more fruitfully” (Presbyterorum Ordinis, 9).

Priests concelebrating Mass in Medjugorje
     Along with the call to pray for priests, the Congregation of the Clergy, on Dec. 8, 2007, sent letters to all diocesan bishops in the world, asking for “Eucharistic Adoration for the sanctification of priests and spiritual maternity after the example of Mary, Mother of the Eternal High Priest, Jesus Christ.” We do well to take Mary as our model in this endeavor. She is a powerful intercessor with our dear Lord. She knows exactly what each of Her priest-sons needs to fulfill his call to holiness and succeed in his mission to gain souls for God and His Church. God cannot refuse Mary’s requests for anything. All graces come through Her. Let us also become spiritual mothers for our beloved priests, interceding through Mary for their sanctification and work on earth. We can do this by our prayers and sacrifices, by offering all our sufferings and sorrows for them, by offering Masses and Eucharistic hours of Adoration for them. 

     The Opus Sanctorum Angelorum (Order of the Holy Angels), under the guidance of the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross, has sponsored a spiritual Crusade of Prayer and Reparation for Priests for many years. They offer free bi-annual meditations on the priesthood and ask for commitment to pray on behalf of priests, remembering them especially on Thursdays, the day of the institution of the priesthood.

     They also offer a program in which you can spiritually adopt a specific bishop, priest, seminarian, or young man discerning a vocation. Upon request, they will send a free Crusade packet with a suggested daily prayer for priests, the Litany of Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim, and a copy of the booklet, “Chalice of Strength,” containing many prayers for priests. 

     For more detailed information, or to sign up to join this Crusade, you can visit their website at opusangelorum.org or email them at contact@opusangelorum.org. As we pray for our beloved priests, may we also remember to thank God for this precious gift of priesthood! On October 2, 2014, Our Lady said, “My dear children, as your shepherds offer you the Body of my Son with their blessed hands, always in your hearts give thanks to my Son for the sacrifice and for the shepherds that He always gives you anew.” Mary Immaculate, Mother of Priests, intercede for us!
Editor’s note: Dianne is from Erie, PA and is on our mailing staff. I was touched when she told Father G.’s story at one of our mailings and asked her to write it up to share. What a great gift this would be to give Baby Jesus – to spiritually adopt a priest, bishop, seminarian, or young man discerning the priesthood.

Power of the Eucharist.....

A touching story of the Power of the Eucharist.....
Sr. Briege & the Eucharist from The Curate's Diary,  by Fr. T. Doyle:

Today Sister Briege McKenna's healing ministry is totally centered on the Eucharist.

During a special retreat for sisters a few years ago, she shared a remarkable story of how Jesus led her to this Eucharistic centering.

She said, "I had a big problem. After my own dramatic healing and then receiving the gift of healing others, I was worried because so many people were coming to me.

Many Healings
"In less than one year, so many healings were taking place, that the people wanted to make a saint out of me, even asking for relics...cloth
from an old habit, my hair trimmings, etc. I was astounded and disturbed by it... and then there was the way that some people wanted to touch me, as if they would be healed or graced by doing so.

"I loved the people, but I did not like what was happening. There was a danger that, instead of directing people to the Lord or to the Mass, they had come just to see me.  "I certainly knew that, of myself, I had absolutely no power, and that it was Jesus Who was doing the healing; that I was only His chosen instrument. However, even to be chosen by Him was itself an extraordinary gift. Pride could step in, and one could begin to believe that one is better than other people. "In a certain way, I felt that I was becoming a celebrity, and I knew that it was neither true, nor good for my soul.

"I went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes , and begged Our Lady for help. I asked Her, to please keep me in the heart of the Church, and to show me how to integrate this healing ministry into the life of  the Church. "I remember sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament in Exposition one day, just praying to Our Lady.  Then I went down to the Grotto." A  pilgrimage was taking place of mentally handicapped children, and as I  watched them being assisted from Mass, I remember thinking and knowing that Mary will show me the way.
Come to El Passo
Sr. Briege came back to America , and three weeks later she got a phone call from Fr. Rick Thomas. He had a special ministry across the border in Mexico. He said to her, "I would love to have you come and visit the poor at the garbage dump and pray with them.  You can help
with the healings. Their need is so great."

She explained that given her existing commitments, she had only an evening and a morning available, and he responded, "That's fine. God doesn't need a long time.  On your way back from California , stop off and stay overnight."

She arrived in El Passo to be met by this very colourful charismatic priest, a man who witnessed to the faith in everything he did. On the one hand, he was normally wearing a Texan hat and Texan boots. On the other hand, "Alleluia" was his favourite word, which he regularly repeated with gusto.

When Sr. Briege arrived, he started jumping up and down with delight, and introduced her to his dog and his donkey. Sr. Briege did not know  what to expect next!

The Unforgettable Dump
That evening, they drove directly out to the dump, and he told her, "They do not have a clue as to who you are, and it does not matter. When the time comes, I will just get you to say a prayer with them, and God will do the rest." When they arrived at the dump, Sr. Briege witnessed scenes she will never forget.
On the Texan border with Mexico , there is the Rio Grande , the river which Mexicans try to cross to get into the U.S.  They are driven back by border police. These are poor Mexicans, who squat and live at the garbage dump, and their children are born there. As Fr. Rick showed Sr. Briege around, she was horrified by the sheer squalor. She had given retreats in South America , but she had never seen anything like this. 
When Fr. Rick told her that he was going to celebrate Mass there for them the next morning, she was somewhat taken aback, wondering how Mass could be celebrated with any dignity in such an environment. What would the people know or understand?  The children were running
around wild like little animals. She was horrified at thinking that, in that place with those people; they will not be able to comprehend what  happens during Mass.   Anyway, the next morning, she, a small group of young Mexican Americans, and Fr. Rick set out for the dump. He brought a little table and all the Mass requirements.
When they arrived, already up to 1000 people were there, and more were coming!  She remembered standing there looking over this crowd of poor miserable people.  Clearly visible in the distance, not even fifteen minutes away, were beautiful homes and a big Mexican Seminary.
But these people had no church, and indeed, they had nothing. Fr. Rick had taken it upon himself to go out there and to begin evangelizing and ministering to them. He was trying to break down the hatred through speaking of God's love, and then seeking to get them into groups to do works toward that end.

The Mass
The Mass started, and although Sr. Briege has been a daily communicant since she was 12 years old, she said that that Mass had changed her life!
Before the Mass began, she watched an old woman coming in, carrying a bundle on her shoulder.  At first, Sr. Briege thought that it was some form of a gift for Fr. Rick.  But, when the old woman opened up the cloth, in it there was a little child, completely burned from head to foot, filthy, dirty, and screaming!   The woman looked at Fr. Rick, and with great compassion, she said, "Please bless him.  I found him smouldering when I was coming across the mountain." She had picked him up, put him into this cloth, and carried him to Fr. Rick.  The child was practically skinless!  Fr. Rick looked at the little boy, got Sr. Briege to join with him in a prayer, and then suggested that he be placed under the table on which the Mass was to be celebrated.
Sr. Briege related that once the Mass had begun, she felt and saw the presence of Jesus. When Fr. Rick said, "Let us the Gloria," praises to God came forth from the tops of their voices.   She had come from across the border from comfort.   She had everything that she needed,
but they had nothing, and yet they praised God loudly and whole heartedly.  She heard the Lord speaking to her, saying, "If my people do not praise Me, the stones will cry out!"

Here were the poorest of the poor and they were radiant with praise to God. When the consecration came, she had her head down. Then she looked up and saw that Fr. Rick had one of those large hosts. For a moment, everybody was prostrate on the ground.   It was then that  she had the most beautiful image of Jesus with His two hands out.   He was smiling, and within herself, she heard the words of the Gospel,
"Come to Me all you who are weary, and I will refresh you."   Just as she was seeing that, the people lifted up their faces and started  shouting, "Viva Cristo Rei" ....long live Christ the king!   At that moment, she truly knew that Jesus was in the Host... that it is not just a piece  of bread, but truly Jesus, Himself.  For these people, in the midst of their poverty, they had the King of Kings. They clapped, cheered, and cried, "Viva Cristo Rei" ...long live Christ the king!

She found herself weeping as she saw the great faith of these people, and she asked herself,  "Is my faith as strong as theirs, that I may always realize that a Consecrated Host is really Jesus'

The Little Children
Mass ended and the burned little boy, who had been placed under the Mass table, had long since stopped crying. Sr. Briege went to look for him, and she was overwhelmed when she saw him. He had crawled out from under the table, was totally healed, and was playing in the sand!

She went over to the old woman, and said to her, "What happened to him?"  With hindsight, she realized that it was a stupid question. The old woman looked at Sr. Briege, and said,  "What do you mean what happened? Didn't Jesus come?"  As Fr. Rick put his hands over the bread and wine and called upon the Holy Spirit, as the bread and wine were changed, the little boy was changed. He was given new skin!
Not only that, before the Mass, Sr. Briege saw a mother bringing in a Down Syndrome baby. The mother was a young girl, and she had this beautiful little baby in her arms, but it had all the appearances of having Down Syndrome. She and Fr. Rick prayed over the child. At the end of the Mass, the child's mother came running up to her, saying, "Look at my baby!"  Her baby was now perfect.

More Healings
There were many more healings. Sr. Briege had spent eight hours with the people, and she did not remember which ones she prayed with, but it was certainly not all of those who were healed. It was as if God had put on a display of miracles. Fr. Rick usually did not pray with the people.  All he did was celebrate the Mass.

Power Of The Eucharist
Sr. Briege spent eight hours on the mountain dump, and she went back to El Passo so overwhelmed that she could not sleep. Finally, at three a.m., she heard Jesus tell her, "Get up and pray."   She knelt at the side of the bed, and the Lord said, "You asked My Mother to help
you, and to show and teach you, She brought you here.  People come and seek signs and wonders.  They go looking for healers and for something to help them, and they will go to anybody!   Yet, I am on the altars of the world and in the tabernacles of the world, and they pass  Me by. I brought you here because I have a mission for you. I want you to go to the world and speak on the power of the Eucharist. As you begin to lead people to the Eucharist, I will show you what I can do...  and, He is doing just that!

This occurred in 1972. Since that time, Sr. Briege has been travelling all over the world to speak about the power of the Eucharist. In Ireland, as in many parts of the world, they have a history of men and women who knew that the Mass was worth living and dying for.

The Medjugorje Message: Medjugorje: an answered prayer?



"The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." -Luke 1:35

Mary is a model disciple. She is worthy of being imitated.
   * Mary did God's will, no matter what it entailed as the servant of the Lord.
   * She welcomed and received the Holy Spirit. Then she ministered with the Spirit's power and the gifts during her visit to Zechariah and Elizabeth.
   * She gave her body to the Lord. So many these days will not let the Lord have their body. Often in today's me-first culture, we hear: "It's my body, and my choice of what I do with it."
   * Mary regarded her body as a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19-20), and lived a holy lifestyle. In essence, she said to the Lord: "This is my body, to be given up for You."
   * She was pure and holy. Her Child was "holy" (Lk 1:35). We disciples of Jesus are to likewise be pure (1 Jn 3:3) and holy (1 Pt 1:16).

As Christmas approaches, enroll in Mary's school of discipleship. Learn a lesson from the model disciple.

 Father, may I follow You as did Mary.

 "The Lord Himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall be with Child, and bear a Son, and shall name Him Immanuel." -Is 7:14

"O Key of David, O royal Power of Israel controlling at Your will the gate of heaven: come, break down the prison walls of death for those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death; and lead Your captive people into freedom."

The Medjugorje Message: Confessional of Europe

O Come O Come Emmanuel


Tajci Cameron - The Christmas Concert Special

Medjugorje: Annual Apparition to Jakov




At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 2:40 pm and lasted 8 minutes. Afterwards Jakov transmitted the message:

Dear children! Today, on this day of grace, I desire for each of your hearts to become a little stable of Bethlehem in which the Savior of the world was born. I am your mother who loves you immeasurably and is concerned for each of you. Therefore, my children, abandon yourselves to the mother, so that she may place each of your hearts and lives before little Jesus; because only in this way, my children, your hearts will be witnesses of God’s daily birth in you. Permit God to illuminate your lives with light and your hearts with joy, so that you may daily illuminate the way and be an example of true joy to others who live in darkness and are not open to God and His graces. Thank you for having responded to my call.

Our Lady's Medjugorje message to Marija of December 25, 2014

“Dear children! Also today, in my arms I am carrying my Son Jesus to you and I am asking from Him peace for you and peace among you. Pray to and adore my Son for His peace and joy to enter into your hearts. I am praying for you to be all the more open to prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

A Little Reflection  (by Sr. Isabel)
There is only one true source of real peace, and that is the Infant of Bethlehem, Jesus Christ.
Jesus does not force Himself upon us, but rather He responds to the openness of our heart to welcome Him and accept the graces He has for us. Our Lady wisely invites us to pray and adore Jesus because she knows the more we do that, the more open we will be. 

Amy Grant - El Shaddai ( legendado )



THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT encourages Catholics to apply the power of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit to their lives. Produced by Catholic Faith Productions. 
To purchase the full length DVD visit http://www.catholicfaithproductions.com

The Holy Innocents


The Loss of Holy Innocence

Every year in late December, emotionally hung over from the solid months-long celebration of commercial Christmas (I know, I know … it starts on the 25th. But try living in a house with small children and keeping Advent purely anticipatory) the Church presents to us a beautiful feast, fresh on the heels of the newborn Savior and filled with meaning.
The Holy Innocents.
Those small ones who gave their lives for His, in a very real sense, before He gave His life for us all.
It’s a chilling story, but not an unfamiliar narrative; a government drunk on power, enraged by the perceived threat of a competing power, lashing out senselessly and mercilessly against those without any power.
It’s also an apt metaphor for our modern day epidemic of death and destruction in the womb.
King Herod couldn’t stomach the thought of his slave population rising up against him, rallying around a prophesied messiah who would save his people and set them free. He read the prophesies literally, and he acted accordingly. The baby in question would destroy his perfectly planned and flawlessly executed plans, threaten his quality of life, and leave his very claim to the throne in question.
So he did the next logical thing, for someone operating out of fear (and perhaps no small amount of rage): he had all the babies who met the specs of the prophecy killed.
All male Hebrews, from birth to 2 years old. Slaughtered. Taken from their mothers and fathers and destroyed, because their very presence threatened his position, and because his lust for power and control was insatiable unto the point of blood. Rivers of blood.
It’s not a perfect analogy, but there are some definite similarities. And the victims are identical. Innocents, holy and blameless, made to suffer for the fear and choices and failings which are not their own.
Catholic tradition has a special place for these protomartyrs, held in such high esteem as to be considered to have died not only with Christ, but in His stead, by St. Augustine.
Think of the audacity of such a claim…and the truth of it. These little children did, in a real way, die in place of the Christ child, the newborn King. Safely en route to Egypt, shielded from Herod’s wrath by His foster father and His loving mother, Jesus lived that He might one day die in our places.
The Church still recognizes, perhaps in a way no other institution can equal, the humanity and the profound dignity of the unborn child, today’s martyr of choice.
Let us join our prayers this year on the feast of the Holy Innocents with the millions upon millions of child martyrs whose little voices were silenced by premature death, but whose souls rest in the loving gaze of a Father who desired them from the beginning of time, regardless of the length of their earthly stays.
All you Holy Innocents, pray for us.

Have no love for the world

"Have no love for the world, nor the things that the world affords." -1 John 2:15

"If anyone loves the world, the Father's love has no place in him" (1 Jn 2:15). If we are set on the things of the world, we are enemies of the cross (Phil 3:18-19). "A man is marked out as God's enemy if he chooses to be the world's friend" (Jas 4:4). Therefore, it is a matter of everlasting life or death that we both have no love for the world and be crucified to the world and the world to us (Gal 6:14).

What does the Lord mean by the "world"? "Carnal allurements, enticements for the eye, the life of empty show - all these are from the world" (1 Jn 2:16). Another translation is: "The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world" (1 Jn 2:16
"Who, then, is conqueror of the world?" (1 Jn 5:5)
   * "the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God" (1 Jn 5:5),
   * the one who receives the Holy Spirit, Who proves the world wrong about sin, justice, and condemnation (Jn 16:8), and
   * the one who is at the foot of the cross where the Spirit crucifies us to the world (see Gal 6:14).

"The world with its seductions is passing away but the man who does God's will endures forever" (1 Jn 2:17).

 Father, make me a light to the world of darkness (Mt 5:14).

"She was constantly in the temple, worshiping day and night in fasting and prayer. Coming on the scene at this moment, she gave thanks to God and talked about the Child to all." -Lk 2:37-38

Medjugorje Message of September 2, 2011
"Dear children; With all my heart and soul full of faith and love in the Heavenly Father, I gave my Son to you and am giving Him to you anew. My Son has brought you, the people of the entire world, to know the only true God and His love. He has led you on the way of truth and made you brothers and sisters. Therefore, my children, do not wander, do not close your heart before that truth, hope and love.

 Everything around you is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of God remains.

Therefore, renounce everything that distances you from the Lord. Adore Him alone, because He is the only true God. I am with you and I will remain with you. I am especially praying for the shepherds that they may be worthy representatives of my Son and may lead you with love on the way of truth. Thank you.

Unbroken - The Power of Forgiveness (HD)


Unbroken hit the box office Christmas day and made $47.3 million during the opening weekend.
The film focuses on Louis Zamperini's life as an Olympic runner and his amazing tale of survival and perseverance during World War II while he was held captive in a Japanese prison camp.
The film leaves out Zamperini's conversion to Christianity.
But a new video just released by Universal Pictures details Zamperini's struggles after returning from the war and how his life changed when he found Christ.

Our Lady's message to Mirjana of January 2nd 2015:


 (c)Mary TV 2014 

Our Lady's message to Mirjana Soldo of January 2nd 2015:

Dear children, I am here among you as a mother who desires to help you to come to know the truth. While I lived your life on earth I had knowledge of the truth, and by this alone, a piece of Heaven on earth. That is why I desire the same for you, my children. The Heavenly Father desires pure hearts filled with the knowledge of the truth.  He desires for you to love all those whom you meet, because I also love my Son in all of you. This is the beginning of coming to know the truth. Many false truths are being offered to you.  You will overcome them with a heart cleansed by fasting, prayer, penance and the Gospel. This is the only truth and it is the truth which my Son left you. You do not need to examine it much. What is asked of you, as I also have done, is to love and to give. My children, if you love, your heart will be a home for my Son and me, and the words of my Son will be the guiding light in your life. My children, I will make use of you, apostles of love, to help all of my children to come to know the truth. My children, I have always prayed for the Church of my Son, and so I also ask the same of you. Pray that your shepherds may come to shine forth with the love of my Son. Thank you.     

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 

Medjugorje Aerial Christmas

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Homily of Fr. Marinko Šakota on New Year’s Eve in Međugorje

date: 02.01.2015.
Parish priest of Medjugorje, Fr. Marinko Sakota, celebrated the Midnight Holy Mass in the packed church of St. James on New Year’s Eve. Here, we bring a part of his homily:
“Dear brothers and sisters, we believe that new is possible, that new Heaven and new Earth are possible, as John wrote in the Book of Revelation. We wonder how does that happen, can this, new 2015 year be different for us, better or more beautiful? We usually tend to think that that will occur once the outer appearance is changed, when the others around us change, those in our family or those who are far from us, or once the politics is changed or the economical situation. That is all what we wish, but that is not enough. Perhaps we think that when we have a new car, or a new home, when we become someone in the terms of today’s society, which is what is most valuable nowadays... But, Our Lady is teaching us to something different here. She says: ‘Pray, dear children, and have more trust in me because I am here to help you and to lead you on the new way of your lives. I invite you to start changing your life and to decide for conversion, not just with words, but with your lives.’ The message is clear. I do not need anything new, I need to become new. The next year is going to be new, different, only if we renew ourselves. We do not need to change our outer appearances to become new and to have everything new. It is new heart that makes us and all around us new and different. It is what Jesus said to Nicodemus: ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ We are born again when the change of programme takes place within us, when we began to think no longer in our human way, but in Jesus’, divine way, when our eyes become more alike eyes of Jesus. It takes place when we no longer think in the terms eye for eye, tooth for tooth, and we step up to different level, where there are different rules. Holy Father Francis is doing exactly that. He thinks that the change of the world will occur with the change of the Church. In that way he is following St. Francis, his model who was saying: ‘Consecrate yourself and you will consecrate the whole society.’ That is what the Queen of Peace has been doing in the Medjugorje for the last thirty-four years and She gives us concise guidelines when She said: ‘If you convert, all those around you will be changed.’ That is how we came to the question – how does that new, change of the heart take place? The change and renewal takes place in the prayer, but not in any prayer, only in the prayer with the heart. To pray with the heart means to pray in more profound way, just like Mary did. All She had experienced, She continues to experience furthermore, deep in her heart. She pondered Jesus’ words in Her heart and meditated upon them, She allowed those words to mould Her. When we pray with the heart, we do not remain in the sphere of our thoughts, but we penetrate deeper in our hearts, into the depths of our being and we unite ourselves with the presence of God that dwells within us. How to pray with the heart? When we pray with the heart, it is no longer about us, but about God. If we prayed before only for our needs, now heart is being more directed towards God. God becomes more important. From that point onwards I am going to Holy Mass because of Jesus, I am going to Adoration to get to know Jesus more, to get to know His gaze. I allow Him to work more within me, to speak to me. I am no longer person who only speaks, but I become the one who listens and receives, just like Mary, Martha’s sister had. That is why the Queen of Peace invites us to open ourselves as the flower opens to the sun. What does the flower do? Nothing. The sun works, and the change occurs on the flower. The prayer with the heart is the prayer of awakened heart, awakened love, awakened gratitude, awakened trust and confidence. The heart is new when there are no longer burdens from the past within it and when it is not burdened with the anxiousness for the future. The Queen of Peace is teaching us to unburden ourselves in the sacrament of the reconciliation, in the Holy Eucharist and in forgiveness. When we are freed from the chains of the past, from slavery to evil She can teach us to pray for love towards the persons that we do not love, for only love can heal wounded heart and restore peace within it. That is how everything around us will become different, better, beautiful and new”, said Medjugorje parish priest.       http://www.medjugorje.hr/en/

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Featured article from January's Spirit of Medjugorje

The Hidden Treasures of Medjugorje

By Anita B. Cugini

     Nestled in the heart of Medjugorje’s fragrant vineyards is a pansion that has welcomed pilgrims from around the world over for the last 33 years. Its humble walls reverberate with memories of Medjugorje from the beginning of the apparitions. It was my pleasure to stay with Mama Sivric in June of 2014, for the 33rd Anniversary of the apparitions. 
     Mama Sivric, although nearing 90, is a vibrant, feisty woman who proudly recalls the early days – what life was like for the people from the village, and how she and others of her generation stood toe-to-toe with the Communist regime that tried to disrupt the religious life of this quiet little hamlet. With flashing eyes and animated gestures, Mama will tell you, through Franjo, her interpreter, what it was like in Medjugorje in the first days of the apparitions. 
     When news of the apparitions first broke, Mama was at a wedding feast with a friend. Mama indicated that she believed in the apparitions from the beginning, while her companion said, “How could you believe such a thing?” 
     Mama related that all were crying and watching the sky. As the villagers watched, golden letters “MIR” [Croatian for “peace”] appeared in the sky and the words “I am the Queen of Peace” stretched across the sky from Apparition Hill to Cross Mountain. One man who could not stand was brought to Apparition Hill by his daughter-in-law, and he was cured. The man’s wife, however, didn’t like this, and started telling people that it didn’t happen.

View from Mama’s balcony with Cross Mountain in the background
     Mama was no stranger to the local police who came, trying to diffuse the situation and order the villagers to leave. She knew the Chief of Police personally and proceeded to tell him off. The following day, the village was deluged with people, news, and TV cameras, and the police who forbade people to climb the mountain. They asked, “Who is lighting the fire up to heaven?” 
     The children were strictly forbidden to climb the hill and the President of Police, who was in the next village, announced they were going to board up the church so people could not enter to pray – which they promptly did. When Mama heard of this, she ran to the church with other women and pulled the boards off of the church doors. The police told her, “We are taking you to jail.” Mama responded, “Then take me to jail!” 
     Pilgrims started to arrive in Medjugorje from all over the world, and had to register with the police. Each family took in one or two pilgrims and shared their daily lives and devotion to the Gospa with these total strangers who could not communicate in their native tongue. Until 1986, there was no indoor plumbing or running water – only outhouses! 
     During the war in 1991-1992, each pilgrim’s passport was carefully checked. Soldiers with machine guns, in abundance in the airport, provided a grim welcome. Aid teams came from Italy to do what they could for the townspeople, but didn’t stay very long. Miraculously, despite being heavily shelled, no human lives were lost – only livestock. Incredibly, a cluster bomb that was dropped on the main street didn’t detonate! During this horrific period, the visionaries were separated so that they couldn’t be targeted by the Communists. 
     Life in Medjugorje, especially during the early years, was never easy. Mama recounts that as a young woman, she worked stringing tobacco leaves. Since there was no work in Medjugorje, her husband was compelled to leave his wife and family to find work in Germany. He did this for 55 years, and was able to see his wife and children only a few times a year. Mama told us she travelled to Stuttgart, Germany more than 10 times over those years. 
     After the Communist regime ended, Mama met the Communist officer from another town, who had threatened her with jail in the early days. Defiantly, she told him off – and he ran away! In her own words, Mama says, “I was always a strong woman – even today, I would talk about God. Pray for us that we will all heal. I will always pray for people. Pray for peace!” 
     Franjo, who interpreted for Mama, was one of the members of the original prayer group that Our Lady asked the visionaries to start. According to Franjo, he was asked by Our Lady to put his life on hold for three years, to fast, pray, and do what he could to help the throng of pilgrims flooding into Medjugorje. A gentle soul, whose demeanor radiates the love of God and the Gospa, he patiently answered every question posed to him, with grace and humility. 
     I have never seen such unbridled joy in living, as I witnessed in the people I met in Medjugorje. People who have so little, in comparison to what all of us take for granted….their graciousness and warmth is something I will never forget. It’s hard to describe the joy that radiates from them, borne of doing God’s work, in sharing their faith and love of God with all who come in thanksgiving for the Gospa’s presence in their little village. 
     No sooner did I get home from this pilgrimage, than I was planning my next one! My next pilgrimage to Medjugorje will be from July 27 to August 7, 2015 to experience the Youth Festival, with all its exuberance. Although we will stay at a modern pansion 100 meters from St. James Church, we will step back in time and meet with Mama Sivric and her family, and see her quaint pansion – a loving home, where she has served over 25,000 meals to pilgrims. We will listen as Franjo, our guide, interprets for Mama. They will recreate their wonderment as the Gospa appeared to ordinary village children, and share, in their incredible pride, that the Gospa is with them still. I promise that whoever joins me on this pilgrimage will come away with a renewed sense of faith and love for Our Lady. Their joy in living our faith is infectious!
Editor’s note: Anita lives in North Wales, PA. She can be reached at wandarocks@comcast.net or 267-217-7344.

The Medjugorje Message: Italian bishop visits Medjugorje for second time

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