Ivan Dragicevic - In Kalamazoo, Michigan, 2012
J.M.J June 15, 2014 Trinity Sunday
Dear Family of Mary!
Today we begin the Novena to Our Lady, Queen of Peace, in honor of 33 years of her presence in Medjugorje. St. James Parish climbs Apparition Hill each day of the Novena, praying the Rosary. Mary TV is going to attempt to stream the parish climb up Apparition Hill! We will begin with some prayers with Denis and Cathy, and then join the parish. It will begin at about 3:30 pm Medjugorje time, 9:30 am EDT. Join us atwww.marytv.tv !
Novena to Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, Day 1
"I am the Queen of Peace."(August 6, 1981)
Ivan Dragicevic:
Never in my life will I ever forget that day. I think I am going to live 5 years less after that day. In that moment I could no longer go either forwards or backwards. My legs buckled underneath me. But in one moment, not with my strength, I ran over those bushes and shrubs, it was like we were floating. We didn't feel any kind of pain. We went closer to her. We came close to her. In her left hand she was holding Jesus. She took her right hand, and she was placing it on our heads, and she began to speak her first words:
"Dear children, I am with you. I am your Mother. Do not be afraid of anything. I will protect you. I will help you. I will guide you."
But it was difficult to calm down and come to our senses.
One of the girls from among us, who was most relaxed, asked her, "Who are you and what is your name?" And she responded,
"I am the Queen of Peace. And I have come, my dear children because God has sent me. My dear children, peace, peace, and only peace. There must be peace, my dear children. Peace must reign between God and man and between people. My dear children, this world and this humanity is finding itself in a great danger. There is a threat that it will destroy itself."
Those were the first words, that was the first message that Our Lady gave through us to the world. On that second day we recognized in her our Mother, and to this day there are still three of us who see Our Lady. (Ivan Dragicevic, Kalamzoo, Michigan, 2012) Let us pray:
Prayer to the Queen of Peace
Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, Queen of Peace! You came to us to lead us to God. Obtain for us the grace not only to say: "Be it done to me according to Your will!", but to live it, as You did. Into Your hands we put our hands, so that You may lead us to Him amidst these afflictions and woes. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Creed, 7 Our Fathers, 7 Hail Marys, 7 Glory Bes....
Veni Creator Spiritus - Come Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit, Creator, come best gift of God above, the living spring, the living fire, sweet unction and true love.
Thou Who are called the Paraclete, from Thy bright heavenly throne, come, take possession of our souls, and make them all Thine own.
Thou who are sevenfold in Thy grace, finger of God's right hand, His promise, teaching little ones to speak and understand.
O guide our minds with Thy blest light, with love our hearts inflame; and with Thy strength, which never decays, confirm our mortal frame.
Far from us drive our deadly foe, true peace unto us bring, and through all perils lead us safe beneath Thy sacred wing.
Through Thee may we the Father know, through Thee the eternal Son, and Thee the Spirit of them both, thrice-blessed Three in One.
All glory to the Father be, with his co-equal Son: the same to Thee, great Paraclete, while endless ages run. Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. - Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. - And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray: God, who taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of the same Spirit we may be always truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us pray the Rosary!!
In Jesus, mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2014