The view from Apparition Hill (c) Mary TV 2014
J.M.J June 2, 2014 Dear Family of Mary!
Today Mirjana has an apparition at the Blue Cross. We will have a recording of the apparition on our website by 11:00 am Medjugorje time. I will also send out the message by email as quickly as I can.
Today we pray for patience. It is one of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit that truly defines us as Christians. As you can see from these three messages I have picked out that patience is a sign that we trust in God and His power, that we are determined to follow Jesus and Mary, and that we love our neighbor with God's love, which is paitent. Remember from our 1 Corinthians 13 novena, that Love is patient and kind! What a great gift!
Thursday, June 24 or Friday, June 25, 1982 Before the evening Mass, during the apparition, the Virgin told the priests, through the intermediary of the visionaries: "Thank the people in my name for the prayers, the sacrifices and the penance. Have them persevere in prayer, fasting and conversion, and have them wait with patience the realization of my promise. Everything is unfolding according to God's plan." (Doesn't this message give us peace!!)
February 2, 2009 "Dear children, With a motherly heart, today I want to remind you, namely, of God's infinite love, and the patience which ensues from it. Your Father sends me and waits. He is waiting for your open hearts, ready for His works. He is waiting for your hearts united in Christian love and mercy in the spirit of my Son. Do not waste time children, because you are not the masters of time. Thank you." (God is patient with us, so beautiful!)
October 2, 2010 "Dear children; Today I call you to a humble, my children, humble devotion. Your hearts need to be just. May your crosses be your means in the battle against the sins of the present time. May your weapon be patience and boundless love, a love that knows to wait and which will make you capable of recognizing God's signs, that your life, by humble love, may show the truth to all those who seek it in the darkness of lies. My children, my apostles, help me to open the paths to my Son. Once again I call you to pray for your shepherds. Alongside them, I will triumph. Thank you." (Patience is a weapon. Have you ever thought of it that way? With our spouses, our children, our boss, our pastor, our friends, patience wins the victory of love.)
Novena to the Holy Spirit Day 4
Let us bow down in humility at the power and grandeur of the Holy Spirit. Let us worship the Holy Trinity and give glory today to the Paraclete, our Advocate.
Oh Holy Spirit, by Your power, Christ was raised from the dead to save us all. By Your grace, miracles are performed in Jesus' name. By Your love, we are protected from evil. And so, we ask with humility and a beggar's heart for Your gift of Patience within us.
Oh Holy Spirit, you give lavishly to those who ask. Please give us the patience of the Saints who are now with you in heaven. Help us to endure everything with an eternal patience that is only possible with your help. Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, through Christ Our Lord, Amen
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In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan (c)Mary TV 2014
PS. Medjugorje is filling up with pilgrims who are coming for Mirjana's apparition. The gift of patience is tried during these days when so many people all want to be in the same spot! Pilgrims sleep out at the Blue Cross, jammed together like sardines, hoping to be near Our Lady when she appears. Patience!!!
PPS. Denis and I were blessed to be able to climb Apparition Hill yesterday, praying the Rosary with the Parish. What a privilege!! Here are some pictures from our climb and time at the original apparition site.
Here is the parish rounding the bend! The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery! We arrive at the Apparition site for the 7 - 7 - 7! One of Our Lady's precious ones at the statue Our Lady, Queen of Peace A storm was moving in, and we made it off the hill just before a huge downpour! See you tomorrow! |