Peter O'Brien from Ireland: "I experienced deep conversion"
date: 05.05.2014.
Numerous pilgrims arrived to Medjugorje in the last few days and we had chance to speak to Peter O'Brien, law student, who comes from Cork in Ireland. This is his fourth visit to Medjugorje and he said that he came for the first time when his friend, a priest, paid a trip for him "I was here for one week and even though I heard for Medjugorje before, I could not know what was happening indeed here. After I returned home, I had experience of deep conversion. It was a profound conversion and from that time I became very interested in Catholicism, Holy Mass and confession. Fortunately, my friends were also faithful and one of them wants to come here after my experience. I spoke about Medjugorje to others as well and they also want to come here. What is special here is that our faith is glorified as well as Catholicism; here we learn that God, Jesus and Mary are the most important in our lives. They are the most important in our lives and without them all would be useless. Sometimes we could become discouraged when we look around us, at the things that are happening especially in the last few years with all the wars and conflicts. Many things are changing and it seems it is getting worse. It seems so important to maintain the hard faith in all this, so we would be able to go through these times of temptations."