Pope Francis holds an audience with students from Jesuit-run schools in Italy and Albania in Paul VI Hall June 7, 2013. Credit: Lauren Cater/CNA.
While the light of Jesus is powerful enough to cast out demons, it is a peaceful and humble light that helps us carry the cross in our lives, said Pope Francis in his Sept. 3 homily.
“Jesus doesn’t need an army to cast out the demons, he has no need of pride, no need of force, of arrogance,” the Pope said during daily Mass at the chapel of the Saint Martha House.
The pontiff has resumed celebrating daily Mass for Vatican staff and guests at his home today after a month’s break.
Around 50 people, usually employees from various Vatican departments, are invited to attend each day.
Pope Francis took his homily from the Gospel of Luke, which narrates how Jesus cast out demons.
The light of Jesus “saves us from darkness,” emphasized the Holy Father, and Christianity is “an identity of light, not of darkness.”
“This Light is not well-liked by the world,” he said. “Today one might think that there is the possibility of having the light with so many scientific things, and so many of the things of humanity.”
“You can know everything, you can have knowledge of all things…but the light of Jesus is something else,” the Pope explained.
He noted that “it is not a light of ignorance, it’s a light of wisdom and sagacity, but it is something other than the light of the world.”
“The light that the world offers us is an artificial light, strong, perhaps, but that of Jesus is stronger,” he remarked.
Rather than a strong but brief flash, he said, the “light of Jesus is a mild light, it is a quiet light, it is a light of peace, it’s like the light on Christmas night, without pretense.”
He added that “the light of Jesus does not put on a show, it is a light that comes into the heart” and “offers and gives peace.”
“However, it’s true that many times the devil comes dressed as an angel of light,” the Pope warned.
“He likes to imitate Jesus and do good, he speaks to us quietly, as he spoke to Jesus after the fast in the desert,” he explained.
The pontiff stressed that we should ask for the wisdom of discernment to distinguish when it is Jesus who gives us true light, and when it is the devil, disguised as an angel of light.
“How many believe they are living in the light and they are in darkness, but they don’t realize it?” he asked.
Pope Francis described the light of Jesus as “a humble light” and “not a light that imposes itself.”
“It’s a meek light, with the strength of meekness, it’s a light that speaks to the heart, and also a light that offers you the cross,” he remarked.
“If we, in our inner light are meek, if we hear the voice of Jesus in the heart and look at the cross without fear, that is the light of Jesus,” he said, contrasting this with the devil’s false light, which “makes you arrogant” and prideful, leading you “to look on others from on high, to despise others.”
We can distinguish between these two lights, the Pope said, by recognizing that “wherever Jesus is, there is always humility, meekness, love and the cross.”