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Dear Family of Mary!


  Michelle from Hong Kong 
I love Our Lady. I love her so much!   
I really want to love her more tomorrow than today!   
Michelle from Hong Kong   
(c)Mary TV 2013   
March 25, 2013
Dear Family of Mary!
"Dear children! Again today I invite you to live the passion of Jesus in prayer, and in union with Him. Decide to give more time to God who gave you these days of grace. Therefore, dear children, pray and in a special way renew the love for Jesus for in your hearts. I am with you and I accompany you with my blessing any my prayers. Thank you for having responded to my call." (March 25, 1991)  
 Today is Monday of Holy Week. We will accompany Jesus on His way to Calvary. I wanted to share with you the transcript of the testimony of Michelle from Hong Kong, given to Mary TV several years ago in Medjugorje, and aired last week on "Fruit of Medjugorje, Episode 59. Michelle glows with the love of Our Lady, and her words are pure and simple. You can still see this testimony on our webpage today, on the home page. After tonight, it will be in the archives. Let's be inspired by Michelle's testimony as we enter Holy Week!
 Michelle from Hong Kong (Fruit of Medjugorje Episode 59):
Well Medjugorje is my home. I feel at home here in Medjugorje. After my first visit my prayer life changed. I love the Eucharist. I love the Daily Mass, and I don't know why, because I had tried to love it before, but I could not. But after I came back from Medjugorje I found Jesus was so real, because of Mother Mary...
And then my family changed. My husband converted and he was baptized just eight months after I returned. So I said, "I need to come back. At least I need to say, thank you!" And wondrous things keep on changing in my life. Changing everybody around me. And I see so many people with a joyful heart and peaceful heart coming back to Hong Kong, so I keep on coming.
The first time I came I started to try to pray as she wants it. And I could not do it at first, but when I got back home I really could feel the peace, and I didn't need to say, "Oh I need this or I need that...I didn't need to mention so many questions. Now when I stand before her, I just feel that she knows everything. Even when I don't know something, she knows it. And it just makes me stop with my mouth shut! And she knows everything!!
So my prayer life changed, and I can really just sit in the chapel for hours and hours of Adoration...I remember once I adored Jesus for the whole day. It was really wonderful.
For myself, I think there are many things that she knows that I don't know about God and about other people's lives, though I know that so many people are suffering. She came just to give some simple messages. Just to pray, to listen, to live. They are so simple that you can start at any moment of your life. So I believe she is really here....in my heart, beside me.
The importance of prayer is that it keeps the relationship with God. We are really living on earth, and so many people are talking to us, and if we don't spend time to let God talk to us, our relationship will be cut off. And if this relationship is cut off, we will never remember the peace we need, why we are born on this earth. We will forget about each other's life, and what we have done on earth will really destroy our salvation.
I pray to Our Lady directly because I feel she has such abundant love that if I have done something that really offended Jesus, Our Lady will turn my words into good words, like a filter. She knows and she will teach me "No, No, don't talk like this...speak more for Jesus..." And so because of what she taught me, I said I better stick around with people who really love me and can help me to be more near to Jesus.
The greatest suffering that I brought here the first time I came to Medjugorje was the conversion of my husband, because he was very cool, and he never believed in God. And I said to Mary, "I came here and I want to bring graces back, not only for myself, but for my family, especially for my husband." And I didn't know what she was going to give me. But when I returned and I saw his changes, and when he was baptized, I really cried with joy. Because I did nothing. But of course I had to endure a lot, I needed to be patient, to listen, and not be too preachy. But she will give me the strength, because Our Lady said that we can never comprehend what is God's plan for us. So we just have to live as simply and purely as she wants us to. So I tried with the little things, instead of trying to do great jobs. I tried to love him [my husband] more, to love him as much as I could.
And the method I used was fasting for him. I learned fasting from the tapes of Sr. Emmanuel, and I listened to the testimonies. It was so simple! I just have to eat bread and water and somebody is going to be changed! So I started, it was so easy to start! Because I had a target. I just had bread and water. It was very, very joyful.
But then after many months, something changed. I said it was boring. My husband is converted! Did I really need to keep on fasting? But then when I met so many poor people, I mean not only poor in their living, but poor in their hearts, they really are suffering. But you really can't help them. You can't help them with any materials, even though you might say words to comfort them, but they are asking for more. So the best source is from Jesus. So then I remembered that the best way is to fast. And I didn't know which people my fasting could give graces to, but I remembered that Our Lady said that she would collect all these sacrifices and offer them to Jesus, and Jesus will hand them to those who are really in need of these sacrifices. So this keeps on giving me strength. Wednesday comes...Oh Wednesday, I need to fast! So I try to fast together with my husband, I try to fast together with my community, and it makes the road easier.
I love Our Lady. I love her so much! I really want to love her more tomorrow than today! (Fruit of Medjugorje, Episode 59, March 18, 2013 at www.marytv.tv )
 Michelle's words are simple. But they come straight from her heart. If you watch the video you will receive much more from her testimony, because of the light that flows from her face as she talks about Jesus and Mary! She communicates a great deal from her face.
Today Our Lady will give a message for the 25th of the month, through Marija. I will send it out as the reflection for Tuesday!
God bless you all. Let's pray for each other during Holy Week. As Michelle said, it is easier when we pray and fast together as a community!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV, 2013
PS. "Fruit of Medjugorje" tonight is a dramatic healing! Tune in at www.marytv.tv !!!! 8:00 pm EDT.  

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